Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Welcome Wednesday, with a Few Words

This was supposed to be a "Wordless Wednesday" post, with the Giordano's pizza that Jeremy and I relished in Chicago saying everything it needed to with its seductive pose. But then I got this amazingly flattering email:

Congratulations! We have randomly chosen your blog to be one of our spotlighted blogs on this week's Welcome Wednesday! We love your blog "Food Floozie" and are so happy to share it with others!

Well, how could I not at least express an enormous thank you to Kristin and Jaime at Take It From Me for this great thrill??? So, it's not "Wordless Wednesday" anymore; but for me, it's at least "Not as Wordy Wednesday" ... :)

NOTE: Don't forget to check out the "thank you" post for my followers, and leave a comment at the end of it if you're interested in the gift drawing: "L'Chaim -- To Life!"

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Robin said...

I don't know if that is a chain restaurant, but my mom and I went to a restaurant in Orlando and got a stuffed pizza that looked very much like that. OMG it was so good. I think it might have been called Giordano's. Yummy.

Yenta Mary said...

I know there are several outlets in Chicago; don't know about beyond that. But even if there were one on every corner, like Starbuck's, the pizza was AMAZING!!! Posting about it tomorrow ... :)

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Congrats on being spotlighted! I am your newest follower. :)

Design It Chic said...

Congrats on being featured! I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday and it would be nice if you could share back the love here!
Happy Welcome Wednesday!

allthingsnew said...

Yumm..that pizza looks SO good! Congrats on being one of the spotlighted bloggers! I am following you now on GFC (stephanierosenhahn)!
It looks like you are quite a cook based on what you vow to do this summer. Just one of those would probably take me most of the summer to learn to do : )

Hope you'll stop by and check out my blog too. I have a daily post called the Low Entry Lowdown where I list different low entry giveaways from around the blogosphere. Thanks again!

Ten Talents...

The Wandering Woman said...

Hi! So nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog this morning. I have to say that according to your definition, I am also a food floozy. That pizza picture made me hungry, straight after breakfast. Do you live in Chicago? We are moving to Indiana in 6 weeks, from the UK. Looking forward to the restaurants... :-)

Yenta Mary said...

My goodness, it's a busy and sociable morning already! No, I don't live in Chicago -- I live in Ann Arbor, but my son Jeremy and I just took a quick 2-day vacation to eat and walk our way through Chicago. More details about the pizza are coming tomorrow, with a post about my favorite gourmet food store due on Friday ....

Anonymous said...

love the chicago pizza...even if I have to visit my SIL to get it! Following you from WW

AngelEden said...

Hi, I'm following you now from Welcome Wednesday, you have a lovely blog :)

Ott, A. said...

Big congrats on being featured on Welcome Wednesday. P.S. I love Giordano's pizza it is a must eat everytime we are in chicago.

Marissa said...

That pizza looks to-die-for GOOD! YUM, I could eat it right off the laptop :) Following from welcome wednesday...cute blog!!

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Oh my...that pizza looks AMAZING!!!!!!! And congratulations on Welcome Wednesday!!! That's great!! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being spotlighted! I'm so glad I found your blog.. I love it! And the pizza...yum! I'm a thin crust pizza lover myself, but I love a good Chicago style stuffed pizza every now and then!

Mellisa said...

YUM!!! I am your newest follower from Welcome Wednesday! I hope you will stop by and follow me too!

Thanks, Mellisa

Leanne said...

LOVE the photo of the pizza ... it's one of the best "perks" about living in Chicago (well, ok, there are a LOT of perks about Chicago ... but the pizza is definitely TOPS!) ;)
Congrats on the spotlight! woo hoo!

Clements Family said...


Cranberry Morning said...

Looks amazing! We used to go to a place called Geno's Pizza. It was below ground level on a side street in Chicago. I wonder if it's still there.

A 2 Z said...

That is some pizza! I would give anything to try it just once. My taste buds are already followers of your blog. Congrats for being featured. I'm with WW. Thanks for sharing.


Sandy S. said...

I'm already a follower, but I'm stopping by from Welcome Wednesday!

Have a great week!

Liz said...

Nice to meet you and your great blog! Congrats on being one of the spotlight blogs!

Ruth said...

omg, that looks so super yummy!!! I ran across you blog through the blog hop. Congrats on being featured. You have a beautiful blog.

furygirl3132 said...

YUM, that pizza looks delicious! Congrats on being featured for Welcome Wednesday. I started following you last week, but wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Heather said...

Oh dear, my mouth is watering just looking over your blog! I love your list of things to do this summer :)
I'm a new follower via Welcome Wednesday. Congrats on the Spotlight! Feel free to follow me back,

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Stopping in from Welcome Wednesday and following you :)

Naturally Creative Mama said...

That picture is making me hungry! So glad to have found your blog through WW. I am a new follower. Stop by mine and say hi if you get a chance.

Unknown said...

I am glad to have found your blog through WW. I am now your newestest follower! Hope you get a chance to stop by mine over at Happy Wednesday! said...

following you from WW.
please stop by.
wholesale finds and great products to sell on ebay

Citra said...

I'm your new follower from Welcome Wednesday =)
I love foods so I love Food Floozie too
*yumm yumm yumm delicious*


michalica said...

I don't know what happend but for the last five years I can't get near a pizza! and I can't enjoy ice cream unlessit is gellato. very strange...

Anonymous said...

Following from Welcome Wednesday :)


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great to meet you! :D I love food and love to cook/bake! This is my first time participating with Welcome Wednesday! Love to meet new bloggers! :D

Have a great day!

Heidi - D said...

Wow. That picture made me REALLY hungry!

New follower from Welcome Wednesday!!!

Donda said...

Dropping by via Welcome Wednesday and now I just want to stay on your page and stare at that pizza!!! YUMMO!!

Sunkissedthoughts said...

Visiting via Welcome Wednesday! Now following.

Unknown said...

I am following from Welcome Wednesday! I love your blog. Looks tasty!

christina said...

YUM!! As a Chicagoan, I can say that Giordano's is my favorite stuffed pizza so great choice going there!
congrats on being featured- and as a result, I'm following you! :)

Samina said...

Boy, now that's a pizza, makes me miss back home (NJ)...oh yeah, I'm now following you via Welcome Wednesday and I love food too so you will hear from me often ^-^

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

Already a follower. Your site is awesome. Come swing by our site, we'll be great friends!!!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

gone said...

I am your newest follower from Welcome Wednesday. I absolutely love your blog..yum yum and yum! My only weakness is food! Gosh that pizza!
Stay Fabulous

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of yours already, just poking my head in to say Congratulations on being spotlighted! Oooooweee, that pizza looks good!!!!

This is an amazing blog people.


Beth Zimmerman said...

Look at your numbers soaring into the stratosphere! You GO girl!

That pizza would look yummy anyway but I didn't bring lunch with me today and Erica came and borrowed my truck so I am living on Special K Protein Shakes (2) and Coke Zero while listening to my tummy roar!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Visiting and following from WW! Beautiful layout here!

Felissa Hadas said...

Stopping by to say hello with Welcome Wednesday. Hope you are having an amazing week! Would love to have you visit my blogs.

Felissa (Davinia & Indiana too)

KyAnn (like Cayenne Pepper, only HOTTER) said...

Happy Welcome Wednesday!

Paula Schuck said...

Hi I am following from welcome wednesday and your blog is pretty.


Mhel said...

congrats on being spotlighted! how amazing!! Love that deep dish pizza. i was just watching Bourdain's Chicago episode. Its just so many wiener and deep dish goodness.... oh poetry!!

Amy said...

That pizza looks great!

Following you from Welcome Wednesday! Please follow back!

The Thrifty Thumb

Andrea said...

Stopping by from Welcome Wednesday! New, I can't even think past that awesome looking pie!!

Yenta Mary said...

Oh, man -- I am overwhelmed and flattered by all this attention!!! Please don't feel I'm neglecting anyone as I play "catch up" ... I will absolutely return comments and follows and do my part in establishing all my new friendships ... :) Welcome! I am looking SO forward to getting to know everyone, and in having you join me in my adventures!

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