
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fabulous Finds!
I absolutely adore thrift shops, rummage sales and such! Cute, quirky, kitschy things at fabulous prices??? Oh, I am so there!!!

And it seems I'm not the only one, since there's an entire Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays group going on that I've only just found out about! I could enthuse about all the clothes -- virtually my entire wardrobe (I can dress myself from head-to-toe for less than $15 every day) -- I've bought for anywhere from 50-cents to $4. I could rave about books I've bought for a mere pittance. But, being that my little pink blog is devoted to food, it seems only logical to show off a few of the dishes I've acquired in my frugal travels.

Here are a couple of adorable espresso cups I found recently, while shopping with Jeremy. Jeremy, I have to say, is an exceptional shopper ... frankly, he enjoys it too much. So any 18-to-maybe-21 year old women in Ann Arbor who are looking for a handsome young man with a good eye, dedication to helping you spend your money on clothes or shoes or almost any other item that it's possible to shop for, and sufficient integrity to call you when he says he will ... my son is the man of your dreams!

I don't need these -- I drink half a pot of coffee every morning in a gigantic crossword puzzle-themed mug that Jeremy gave me a couple of years ago; these little cups hold a tiny fraction of what I normally ingest. But they are too cute ... and, coffee addict that I am, they are perfectly themed. So I have no room for them in my cupboard and no use for them ... did that matter??? Of course not! They cost me 80-cents each, I think. Jeremy said, "Get them." So I did.

These next two items are really very cool, and I've used them for drinking coffee (when the gigantic mug needs to be washed), for sipping tea, and for serving ice cream. They're more useful, since they're a standard size. They are a sturdy ceramic in lovely shades of periwinkle and light blue; and, as you can see, they feature the critical aspects of any beverage or food -- "flavour" and "aroma."

Most of my plates and many of my other cups are from sales and thrift shops, too ... what can I say? I can't turn down a good deal on something that might prove useful -- after all, I regularly take pictures of my food for this blog. If only I could write off my thrift store finds as "work related!"



  1. Good thing Jeremy was the voice of reason :) I love them! What great finds!

  2. Such cute finds! Mr. Groom and I both love thrift shopping.

  3. Those cups are so cute. I love going to thrift stores too.

  4. I love searching for great finds too :)

  5. love the cups and saucers even if you have enough of this type of item you can always move things over on a shelf. i buy because i love an item then later figure out where to find a place called home..

  6. Nice. I'm sure I've seen larger versions of what you have in those first espresso cups. Don't you love thrift stores! :-)

  7. I'm not sure why it took so long for us to find each other, but I'm glad we did! I spend every weekend scouring thrift sales and antique shops for things to furnish my house. When I can't find something specific, I look at new and just get disappointed. New things just don't have the character that old things do. Plus, I love to think about who used these things. Such as, who sat around my dining room table and what conversations did it hear? Who sat in this rocker and did he or she soothe a baby girl or boy? Who played games at this antique game table, what game, and who won? I could go on and on...

  8. You keep this up and you will eventually have your own e-bay business. Just something to think about...

  9. HEY HEY MARY!!! I love the 'flavour' and the 'aroma' mugs!! Too cute. And you have an award waiting for you over at my place!:) ::Kristin::


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