
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Perfect Summer Meal



It was over 90 degrees out yesterday in Ann Arbor ... and I don't have air conditioning in my Suburban. I have big windows, so as long as the car is moving there's a hefty breeze; but, of course, the car isn't always moving. Those pesky red lights and folks stopping to wait for traffic to clear before turning left ... sheesh!

I love being near the water, by the water, on the water, having my toes in the water, walking in the ocean along the beach ... but I loathe being in the water. But I was so hot and sticky (and likely smelly, though no one was unkind enough to say so!) that when I got home from running errands (needed new shoes to wear to Tom's niece's wedding on Saturday, had to pick up some 'scripts) that even I had to go into the condo's pool yesterday afternoon. I slapped on some sunscreen (yeah, like it does me any good), put on my pink swimsuit, and floated and treaded and cooled off before dinner.

And then I had to figure out what to make for Jeremy and for Tom. Tom had given me some grass-fed beef and some romaine that he wasn't using, as well as a cucumber that we'd bought at the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. I had some garlic scapes and some scallions, some Ramen noodles, a carrot ... odd little tidbits and pieces.

So what did I do with them? I made a salad and topped it with cold noodles, then placed beef that I'd sauteed in a trio of sauces over the entire mix. It was cool, it was crisp, it had both protein and carbohydrates ... and, most importantly, it was delicious. A perfect "10" from Tom!

That this recipe also qualifies for Two for Tuesdays, which encourages real food as opposed to processed and hydrogenated nonsense; Presto Pasta Nights, being hosted this week by Helen of Fuss Free Flavours, which has no requirements other than using pasta; and Souper Sundays, which features soups, salads and sandwiches ... well, that's because this was such a fabulous meal that it deserves to be shared, and shared with many friends! It was serendipitous ... :)

Salad for a Sweltering Summer Day

3 squares Ramen noodles, seasoning packets reserved for another use
1/3 pound ground beef
pinch of kosher salt
2 garlic scapes, chopped fine
1 tablespoon Thai chili sauce
1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce
2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
1 heart of Romaine, sliced thin
1 carrot, peeled, sliced thin
3 scallions, sliced thin
1 cucumber, chopped
1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
1/8 cup rice vinegar
1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce

Fill a 2-1/2 quart saucepan with water and bring to a boil; break up the Ramen noodles into large pieces, add to the boiling water, and cook for 3 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water.

Meanwhile, place the ground beef in a small saucepan and cook until half browned. Add the salt and the garlic scapes; saute until the beef is completely browned. Stir in the chili sauce, teriyaki sauce and barbecue sauce.

Place all of the vegetables into a large bowl. Combine the oil, vinegar and teriyaki sauce; mix well, then pour over the vegetables.

Place some salad onto a dinner plate, top with some of the noodles and then top that with the beef. Serve to appreciative loved ones.

Serves 2-4, depending upon appetite.

Tuesday Tag-Along

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  1. Its been in the 90s here too! Super hot. We've been doing a lot of sandwiches and fruit to compensate.

  2. I love being near the water too. My dream house would be very close to the ocean.

  3. Like you, I prefer to be right beside water rather than IN it, but these are desperate times requiring desperate measures ;-D

    Thanks for sharing a great pasta salad with Presto Pasta Nights.

  4. this year seems to me that the sumer weather has come too fast with the heat. good idea for a meal. have a good day

  5. Looks and sounds fantastic! I love throw together meals like that. It was actually cooler yesterday then it's been in a while.. only 104!! LOL

  6. It looks delicious and it's been super hot here too!

  7. I hear ya, Mary! It's hot as all get-out here, too...ugh. You dreamed up a delicious salad for these dog-days, though...YUM!! Definitely deserves to be shared with as many people as possible ;). Thanks so much for making sure we got some love at Two or Tuesdays this week!!

  8. That sounds heavenly!!! I would never have thought to put those things together but I'm definitely going to try it now!!!! :)

    Make sure to enter my Stella and Dot giveaway when you get a chance!!

  9. That sounds yummy! Thanks for the recipe.

  10. No air? How do you stand it?

    I hear you about the sunscreen. I gave up on tanning when I was in high school. I am a burn and peel kind of girl. I didn't envision you as the pink swimsuit type. Now, I am going to have to mentally rethink you. Huh. Well, it is a good thing you have a pool. Otherwise you would spend your entire day in the tub;-)

  11. Ugh! No air is awful! That looks so good. Thanks for stopping by today. I'm an old follower of yours! :)

  12. Thanks for the follow I am now following you as well!

  13. Don't worry -- I have a/c at home and too much a/c at work, just none in my car. If I can just keep traffic moving (an increasingly difficult task after construction started near my home yesterday, on virtually EVERY street so it's unavoidable!), it's not a problem at all ....

  14. Newest follower here, thanks for following my blog, too! I love food, too, so of course your blog is awesome! ;)

  15. hi! following you from the bloghop -- love your blog :)

  16. Wow, Wow, and Wow, This salad looks so good and it's creative. I always can use a new salad recipe. I'm with you on the sushi, By the way. I came from the blog hop. Love your blog.

  17. This does look perfect for such a hot day--I love how you put all of the ingredients together. Thanks for sending it to Souper Sundays! ;-)

  18. I think clean-out-the-fridge meals are perfect for a hot day...when it's too hot to think! This sounds delicious.

  19. What a lovely summerlicious meal. Found you through Souper Sundays, and I'll be back to see what you're cooking up next.

  20. Brilliant blog, I hadn't noticed previously during my searches!
    Carry on the great work!

  21. Hey - I am really delighted to discover this. cool job!

  22. Hey - I am certainly delighted to discover this. Good job!


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