
Friday, August 27, 2010

Eat, Drink and Be Mary

I can't remember the last time I had a genuine Boston Cooler -- Vernor's ginger ale poured into a tall glass over vanilla ice cream -- which actually originated in Detroit ... yeah!!! I usually make them with strawberry ice cream or with raspberry sorbet; either of these makes for an exceptionally good time on a hot day. You get to eat some ice cream, and have a cold drink as well, with only one glass to wash ... gotta love it!

But we had some Breyer's peach ice cream in the freezer -- very few ingredients, no corn syrup, huge chunks of peaches ... it's like the old-fashioned hand-cranked stuff that people in my parents' generation always talk about with loving nostalgia. And so, I had a vision of brilliance: buy some Vernor's (since we don't usually keep soda in the house) and try a new variation on the theme.

So here is one of the easiest recipes ever, and also one of the most delicious and refreshing. I'm pretty proud of myself for thinking of this, even if it isn't necessarily the most inspired or impressive thing I've ever offered. It's hot out -- you want a cold drink, you want to eat some ice cream ... this will make you happy ... :)

Peach Ice Cream Cooler

8 generous scoops Breyer's peach ice cream
1 2-liter bottle of Vernor's ginger ale (if you can get it)

Take 4 tall glasses. Put 2 scoops of ice cream into each glass. Slowly pour ginger ale over the ice cream, being careful not to have the head spill over the edge. Add a straw and a spoon, and enjoy!


  1. Vernors is SO a Michigan thing!!! I haven't had one in years. Shame, cause this sounds DELISH!

  2. Yum, I love ice cream floats. I haven't had one in quite awhile. My mom used to make them with vanilla ice cream, and either coke or root beer. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I'll have to make some soon.

  3. Mary, thanks! I love finding ice cream that is natural without corn syrup (of the regular or high fructose variety). It makes me happy!

  4. I love ice cream drinks. I bet this one is sooooo good! I'm assuming you could use any kind of ginger ale, if you couldn't get your hands on Vernor's...or is it just that special??

  5. Oh my gosh, Mary...I LOOOOOVE Vernor's!! Seriously, grew up with's my favorite =) I need a float!!!

  6. Whoa! I'm loving that recipe - Now that's what I call a refreshingly sweet tasty treat! (Almost as sweet as your comments on my blog) Smiles.


  7. Great article. I loved the Boston Cooler when I was growing up. But, I never understood why they didn't call it a Michigan Cooler or a Detroit cooler instead.

    So please come up with a recipie for vanilla icecream with traverse city cherries call it a Michigan Cooler!!

  8. Ooooh, a challenge! I'm thinking the cherries may not go with the Vernor's ... not sure. Maybe use Faygo cream soda. Then do I chop the cherries and have pieces of them in the ice cream? Or make a swirl of cherry jam/syrup through the ice cream??? Hmmmm ... decisions, decisions ....

  9. How yummalicious!

    Just today while browsing recipes for my son who loves to bake, I came across a Root Beer Float Cake...this reminded me to remind him about it! haha! :)


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