
Monday, August 23, 2010

Music Monday: The Disco Biscuits

Well, it's Music Monday. I haven't participated in this one for awhile, so that's as good a reason as any to do it again ... variety, ye olde spice of life. Okay, that's one tangential food reference; the title of this post -- The Disco Biscuits, which is the name of the group being featured here today -- is another. I think that's about it. It's not much, but it's all I've got!

I've been working extra hours of late, during our busiest season at work; I also went in yesterday, in addition to the standard M-F 9-5, and will work each of the following Sundays for the next few weeks. "Summer vacation" is an illusion, something that other people get to experience.

So I need diversion that isn't particularly taxing to my already increasingly-feeble brain. I need the kind of song that doesn't challenge me too much, but which is just kinda fun for the drive home. Eh, voila! Here it is.

This video isn't family fare, though it isn't exactly sleazy ... well, the tattooed chickie is! The visuals are actually kinda boring. It's the song, though, that keeps dancing (pun intended) in my brain ... this one and, inexplicably, Adam Lambert's "If I Had You." Don't ask -- I have no answers.

I am rather noted for my odd and eclectic musical tastes: techno, New Wave, gospel, French chansons, cheesey songs from the 70s (a particular favorite, and another food reference!), Italian opera, ethereal/New Age, Broadway tunes, old standards ... if it's new and interesting, I'm there; and if it's old and classic I'm there. But of late, the more mindless and purely entertaining a song is, the more likely it is that I'm listening to it.

So, because the group's name involves food and because the song is my current earworm, here is my Monday morning offering: "On Time" by The Disco Biscuits.

And while you're listening to the song, why not bake up a batch of my Spiced Pumpkin Biscuits??? These were a finalist in the "Best Bread in Michigan" contest sponsored by Zehnder's of Frankenmuth, Michigan Living Magazine and the Michigan Sugar Company in 2006. They're easy to make, nutritious, and a gorgeous orange color. What more can I say? Great to accompany a summer salad, perfect for any occasion during Fall, ideal for Thanksgiving ... enjoy!

Spiced Pumpkin Biscuits

3 C whole wheat pastry flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 T candied ginger, finely minced
12 T Earth Balance butter substitute
1 container (6 oz.) vanilla soy yogurt
2/3 C pumpkin, solid packed
1/4 C brown sugar
1 T vanilla soy milk

Preheat oven to 425F. Grease a cookie sheet; set aside.

In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Add Earth Balance and mix flour with your fingers until mixture is well combined and looks mealy. Stir in pumpkin and yogurt, and turn dough onto a well floured countertop. Knead dough a few times, just to combine and to keep it from being sticky.

Roll out to 1/2 inch thick, use a 2-inch biscuit cutter to cut out 15 biscuits (re-roll if necessary). Place biscuits onto cookie sheet in three rows, touching each other. Brush tops of biscuits with soy milk, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake for 15-18 minutes, until golden on top and set.

Yield - 15 biscuits.


  1. I will have to go and google this song-it doesn't seem to want to work for me today. I am very intrigued now that I have read these interesting descriptions!

    Best wishes,

  2. The robot is a bit freaky at times, but the song is very catchy!! :) The biscuits sound wonderful. I love pumpkin, don't know why I always think I have to wait until thanksgiving to do anything with it! lol

  3. Pumpkin biscuits sounds great! I can tell I've got too many animals living in the house, for at first glance I thought your post read, 'Doggie Biscuits.' :-)

    Really, I do know how to read. But you see, in my world, my cookie jar has dog treats in it. :-)

    LOVE pumpkin!

  4. OMG those biscuits sound making them this weekend!

    thank you for also playing along with Music Monday today :)

  5. Great song & the biscuits sound oh so yummy!

  6. Great Recipe!

    I too am a Disco Biscuits fan! Here is a link to a video of a live version of "Mirrors", shot at Red Rocks Amphitheater. Hope you enjoy!

  7. Spiced pumpkin biscuits - yum!

    xo Erin

  8. Yum! I love anything with pumpin...I really want to make pumpkin soup this Thanksgiving. I hate to admit it but I really like Adam Lambert's music, even if he is a little out there. lol


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