
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Not Quite Wordless Wednesday: Thrift Shop Find

I found these the other day while Jeremy and I were doing the Thrift Shop Tour. They're about the size of an individually wrapped tea bag and they're shaped like tea pots, so I'm presuming they're meant to hold used tea bags.

I usually steep my tea and then toss the used bag into the trash; sometimes I'll place it on the saucer under my tea cup. So I'm not sure that I really needed these.

But I bought them at Share House, which supports a variety of good causes around Ann Arbor. And they're pretty. And they're unusual. They simply had to go home with me ....


  1. Ooooohhh...those are adorable!! Who cares if you use them for tea bags or not...they are just too cute not to have purchased!

  2. Love it, I'm always wondering where to put those tea bags!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  3. Those are very cute, and I would have bought them too, given the chance. :-)

  4. They're lovely! Could they be used as spoon rests?

  5. Oh my GOSH I love that idea! They're adorable. I'd have to throw a tea party just to use them!

  6. I was given one as a present... Hey i love one of your outstanding quotes in the graphics below...... " If my house is clean, my computer must be broken." ! Superb.


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