
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blue Cheese-Stuffed Turkey Burgers

Day 2 of the Atkins Diet, chez Jeremy and Stuart, offered burgers -- turkey burgers, to be specific. But that's kinda boring, especially if you can't put the patties on any bread at all to make things more interesting.

I didn't have any nutmeg with me, which I always add to turkey burgers; so I worked with salt, pepper and garlic powder. I had to liven this up a bit! So I combined equal amounts of blue cheese and cream cheese, then stuffed a dollop of the mixture into the centers of the patties. (For the boys, anyway; I had mine plain, just trying to get some nutrition into me. The Food Floozie is havin' a hard time being seduced by any food lately, thanks to stress and a cold which then devolved into bronchitis. Bleah!)

But I have digressed ....

As an accompaniment, I also served a mix of bacon and onion -- way too much fat for lil' ol' me, but a flavorful addition to the plate for Jeremy and for his dad ....

Blue Cheese-Stuffed Turkey Burgers

(Please remember, as I said yesterday, that without my usual toys and tools a lot of these measurements are approximations. And this is how I made it for 3 people, only 2 of whom had stuffing in the burgers. I know -- it's not entirely helpful, but it's the best I can do for you right now ....)

1 package ground turkey (I think the package is 18 ounces ...?)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 tablespoons cream cheese
3 strips bacon, cut into 1" pieces
1 small onion, halved, sliced

Combine the turkey, salt, pepper and garlic powder; form into 3 large patties. Combine the blue cheese and cream cheese. Spread 2 of the patties into large, flat rounds; divide the cheese mixture between them, then roll the turkey around the filling like a ball, then flatten the balls into patties.

Cook in a large skillet over medium heat for at least 5 minutes per side, until the burgers are golden brown and firm when pressed.

Meanwhile, in a small skillet, cook the bacon and the onion over medium heat until the bacon is golden and crisp and the onion is caramelized.

Serve the bacon-onion mixture over the stuffed burgers, and make your hosts happy at dinnertime ... :)

Mingle 240


  1. You had me at bacon. :) Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Oh wow. Those look fantastic. I haven't had turkey burgers with blue cheese before. Which seems silly, cause I love both! Should give it a shot.

  3. So they're still doing that diet eh? The burger looks good, if I ate meat... :). I make my own veggie burgers and this is a great idea to put in the center of them too. Thanks! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  4. I love burgers stuffed with definitely livens them up!
    Sorry to hear that you are not to be seduced by food right now..hopefully that will pass soon...BUT at least you are eating :) Hang in there!
    (((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))

  5. OOooooo...ooooo...oooooo...did you say BLUE CHEESE and TURKEY BURGER??? Holy Cow, I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, my friend!

    Note to self: Do not stop at Food Floozie when I'm hungry. Or, when it is 7AM and I can't leave to go to the store to get Blue Cheese and Turkey!

    LOVE IT!

  6. Looks so good. Please pass the difribulator.

  7. That sounds and looks absolutely delicious....and of course bacon makes everything better.

  8. My mom loves hamburgers, so we eat burgers here a lot. Since I don't eat beef, I eat turkeyburgers a lot. She usually buys them pre-pattied. However, I will save this recipe and if she ever doesn't get them pre-pattied, we will try it! It looks really good. I imagine the rules wouldn't change at all for beef, would they? Email me because I will forget to check. And then I won't see it again until the day I pull this up again in my favorites. Yep. That's me. Living on the edge.

    Now... sorry to hear that you are SO sick. Bronchitis is terrible. Surely you are on antibiotics. Take lots of vitamin C and drink water. Hope you feel better soon. I know that it takes it out of you. Slow recovery on that one. Don't push yourself too hard. Just recover.

  9. When we lived in Louisiana, we had turkey burgers quite often. I didn't love them...but I didn't hate them either. If I had enough seasoning and all the "fixings", I definitely could make them work. You, my friend, have given me new inspiration for them with this recipe. I actually think I might love them if I make them this way. Nutmeg, huh? I would have never thought of that! Hope you feel better soon, Candace

  10. I love turkey burger, and this sounds wonderful! Never would have thought of adding nutmeg. You know that they're never ever going to let you move out, don't you? :-)

  11. These look delicious... I'm going to have to try them..

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  12. Wow--these sound amazing! I used to make cheddar-stuffed turkey burgers w/shallots all the time when I was on South Beach, and these sound even better--I'll have to give them a try. Thanks for the recipe!

  13. This sounds amazing! I would never have thought to add blue cheese.

    I am a new GFC follower through over 40 bloggers please follow back

  14. I am giving this one a try tonight... with some minor adjustments. I will let you know how it goes:-)


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