
Monday, January 10, 2011

It Was 20 Years Ago Today ....

Today is Jeremy's 20th birthday ... I can hardly believe it. How did he (how did *I*?!?!?) get so old so fast??? Once upon a time, he was a little bitty 8-pound fluffy-headed thing that I could hold in my arms for hours!

(Yes, that's Jeremy sticking his tongue out at his dad the night he was born!)

Now he's 6'3", drives, smokes (groan ...), and bought himself a moped last week that he'd been saving for.

But even though he towers over me, Jeremy is still my baby -- my one and only, more precious to me than I can say!

Happy Birthday, Jeremy!!!

Image by Cool Text: Free Graphics Generator


  1. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday, Jeremy! There is nothing like our baby matter what age they are. Mine will soon be 19. Have a great day, Mary! Candace

  2. Happy Birthday Jeremy! And congrats to you mama for raising such a wonderful son!

  3. Oooohhh...your baby is definitely growing up :) Happy Birthday Jeremy! Oh, to be 20 again!!! Enjoy each and every moment, it starts to go by so fast! (That's a fantastic picture of the two of you together!!)

  4. So sweet! Happy Birthday to Jeremy!

  5. So sweet! My daughter was 20 last April so I feel your sentiment. How blessed we are to have them. Happy birthday Jeremy!

  6. This is such a sweet post. Happy Birthday Jeremy!

  7. Happy Birthday Jer! Hello YM.. Sorry. I came over here right after Christmas and left you a big long message only to have it not go thru. I gave up and now I'm back. Been missing in action due to decrease in computer time, been sick like three times in as many weeks, and just lack of time ... I see you've been busy and you're looking great. I'm on my way back soon, miss seein ya, Keri

  8. Happy Birthday, Jeremy! What a cute guy!! (and equally cute mama, by the way). :-) Kinda nice you don't have to walk the floors with him at 3 AM any longer, isn't it. ;-)

  9. ♫♪ Happy Birthday to Jeremy! ♪♫
    I know he must be such a great guy! My wish for him (and you) is for many years of joy, fulfillment, and success!


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