
Friday, February 4, 2011

New Year, New Look, New Header!!!

Is this cool, or what??? I won the blog header giveaway hosted by the amazing Lindsey of TexaGermaNadian, who has given me a FABULOUS new look for the new year (whether 2011 or the Year of the Rabbit, take your pick)!!!

Lindsey was wonderful to work with, especially given how vague I was -- I had no clue what I wanted, or even what the possibilities were. But it was clear that food needed to be featured -- perhaps more food, less floozie on this one? -- and that I'm a colorful kinda gal who needed something fun. And lo and behold, with the only minor modification having been to add some cakes and treats into the pictures (rather than only healthy food, 'cause I'm quite the omnivore with a gargantuan sweet tooth!), this was a fait accompli!

So be sure to tell me what you think, and also to go over and share some love with Lindsey. She's a lot of fun and just wonderful to know; and how else would we even have met, given that she and her hubby are very far away in Germany??? Gotta love the opportunity to wander through cyberspace and find some special blogging buddies!!!

If you'd like a new look for your own space, see what you can work out with Lindsey -- it's abundantly obvious how talented she is ... :)

And don't forget to grab the new button along the left sidebar!!!


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  1. Awe!!! I LOVE IT!!! Your going to think I'm crazy ... (and that's totally OK!!!) ... but I was just thinking about your header TODAY!!! (That's what happens in my free time!) Looks link Linsey beat me to the punch - and I LOVE WHAT SHE DID!!!! FanTASTIC! I will proudly display your button on my page, dear! LOVE IT!

  2. Ummm, well aren't you just the best ever. I didn't expect you to do a whole post on it, but I am honored. It looks great, and I am grabbing your button (man, do that sound dirty, or what) right now and putting it up on my blog :) Thanks again for being so awesome with this!

  3. lovin' the new look!! Sooooo colorful, happy and carefree!!!
    Congratulations on winning and I think it looks great!

  4. Nice new look, Mary! Congratulations!! :-) Love the food look in the header.

    Grabbing your button.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. nice redesign. That shabbyblogs site is pretty neat, not my personal style but I'm going to send the link to a couple of friends who will love what it has to offer as well.

  6. Like your blog!! I am a new follower from the Saturday Stalk Remix!!

    Michele aka MikiHope

  7. Love the look of your blog. I found you on bloghop so I am not sure what it looked like bf. Come visit when you get a chance. Http://

  8. How creative. I love the header and especially the polka dotted side bar thingies.

  9. I love the new look. It's kind of appropriate with the start of a new chapter in your life. I can't wait to see what other wonderful things you'll be up to in 2011!

  10. looks fantastic, Mary. Congrats. Keri


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