
Friday, February 18, 2011

The Oxymoron of "Healthy Cookie"

Those two words -- healthy and cookie -- do not belong in the same sentence, usually. Cookies are wonderful sweet treats, and the more butter and sugar and stuff in 'em, the better! Healthy foods can, of course, taste good; but cookies that have been redeemed nutrition-wise generally don't earn the exalted adjective "delicious."

Until today.

I've gotta pat myself on the back -- Tom challenged me to make a healthy cookie, and I think I've done a pretty good job! I admittedly haven't run the recipe through any calorie/fat/sugar algorithm to test it. But since I cut the butter by 2/3, cut the brown sugar by 1/3, used dark chocolate instead something like M&Ms, and there are lots of oats as well as whole wheat flour, I like to think I've performed a mitzvah ([MITZ-vuh] = good deed).

They're not as addictive as, say, that heroin-like substance the Girl Scouts call Caramel De-Lites (a.k.a.: Samoas), with all the gooey caramel and luscious chocolate and coconut. But they're still pretty good ... and I've eaten enough of 'em to be able to state that truthfully!

These cookies are soft and sweet, with just a hint of crunch from granola. You can eat a couple and still feel as though you're indulging in a treat, but without also indulging in guilt. I'm a girl who spent 13 years in Catholic schools and who now considers herself kinda/sorta Jewish -- I know a little somethin' 'bout guilt! Trust me -- you won't have any of that if you bake and enjoy these ... :)

Oatmeal Granola Cookies

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup
Brown Cow Cream Top Maple Yogurt (substitute vanilla, if need be)
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 egg
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup white whole wheat flour
2-1/2 cups quick-cook oats
1 cup maple granola
1 2-ounce dark chocolate bar, finely chopped

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a baking sheet.

In a large bowl, cream together butter, yogurt and brown sugar. Stir in egg, salt, cinnamon and baking soda. Add flour, oats and granola; stir in chocolate.

Form golfball-sized balls with the dough, and place them 2" apart on the cookie sheet. Flatten slightly, then bake the cookies for 10 minutes until lightly golden. Remove to a rack and cool completely.

Makes about 30 cookies.

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  1. yUM! These are my favorite kind of cookies. But I can never get mine to stay soft. Will deffo have to try out your recipe :)
    Happy Friday!

  2. You had me at "healthy cookie!" I am more than willing to believe you!

  3. I love how you always rise about your challenges :) YUM! Never did I think I would say that about a healthy cookie before. I have a feeling I have a lot of baking to do in my near future!!!

  4. I was just talking to Jenn about needing healthier cookies this am! And loe & behold, Yenta Mary delivers! Can't wait to try these, they sound really delicious. Loving the addition of yogurt to these, awesome!

  5. Yummy! New follower stopping by from SocialParade (did I spell that right?). Wish these damn things had a spell checker :-)
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  6. if you're not all 'partied' out i would love for you to post this on my 'fridays unfolded' linky @


    stuff and nonsense

  7. YUM! yum yum yum yum!
    thanks so much, this looks awesome. ha, a healthy cookie. perfect :)

  8. They look and sound fantastic, Mary. And besides, I don't know why everything has to be healthy. Any good cookie now and then never killed anyone...I think. And you are so right about the Girl Scout Cookies. My favorite are Thin Mint. I think a box contains one serving, doesn't it?

  9. I am not aown love affair with chocolate. Now, when I am really stressed, that is a total gamechanger. I will even dream about sweets. I do admire your tenacity in getting this recipe down to something very low in sugar. Well done!

  10. Hey, sweetie ... sorry I've been MIA - life, you know! ;)

    I just added this recipe to my Weight Watchers tracker and it came up 3 points per cookie - for me, that is a GREAT snack!!! LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing - I will definitely give it a try.

    Can wait to read up on the past couple weeks - how are you? Email me and let me know how you are doing, when you have a second. Thinking of you!

  11. Ok, I'm liking this recipe -- and thanks to my sister, Leanne, for running the recipe through Weight Watchers for 3 points per cookie. This is a definite must try! Thanks!

  12. I bet these taste fantastic! I'm printing it off to try sometime. Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  13. just wanted to let you know that i featured you today1


    stuff and nonsense

  14. found you via stuff and nonsense! and those cookies look divine!! do you know the nutritional value for them?

    have a great weekend. love your blog!


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