
Friday, March 4, 2011

The Birthday Blog

Tomorrow is my blog's first birthday ... wow. How did a year pass so quickly???

My first post was a bit of an introduction to the stream of consciousness and cheerful babbling that readers would find, a rambling and tangential discourse from someone who has a nasty tendency to be verbose and who wasn't quite sure how to present herself to the world. After all, there are how many blogs out there, and blogs devoted to food? Why would anyone read mine, follow mine, care about mine? I have no particular pedigree or claim to fame; I just love to cook, to bake, to eat and to write!

And yet, I built it and you came! As of this morning, I have nearly 600 followers (not that everyone actually reads what I post each day, but ...). Of all those followers, I have a coterie of very dear friends whom I try to check in with daily, who offer encouragement and praise and -- most importantly -- their hearts; and you're people I would never, ever have had the joy of knowing without this little platform of mine. Too many of you, unfortunately, live just way too far from Ann Arbor!

I've always maintained that people bond over food, even in cyberspace. Even if we're not sharing a table or kibbitzing over choices at a buffet, we're still sharing recipes and stories and friendship ... and these, of course, are the vital ingredients (pun intended!). Because I always want people who come to visit me to feel as though we're in the kitchen preparing food, gossiping, laughing, and enjoying nourishment not just for our bodies but for our souls.

So thank you -- thank you far more than I can convey in a blog post -- for having taken time out of your busy lives, with so many other blogs and media competing for your attention, and sharing my food adventures with me. You've been with me through holidays, through ups and downs in my life, through happy occasions ... it wouldn't have been the same without you, truly ... :)

So rather than a toast to my blog, here's a toast to all of you! May we all share many more birthdays together!

Image: maple /

Smart and Trendy Moms

A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop


  1. Oh how touching. I read your blog daily. I love what you bring to the blog world. Your blog is unique just like you :)

    Carol-the gardener

  2. Well Happy Birthday to you...a day early!! I love reading your blog. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry (not intentionally though, so that's ok), you've made me crave amazing foods. I, for one, am happy that you started your blog and look forward to stopping by each day! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the next year!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your blog and Anniversary to you! Your blog is an absolute must-read for me, Mary. I'm so thankful that you started blogging and that I found you. I have an anniversary coming up this month too; but someone took the post dates off of the post and now I don't know what day I started. Oh well... :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Congratulations, YM. It's obvious you've put a great deal of yourself into this blog, and that's what makes is such a pleasure to visit. Well done!

    take care. Keri

  5. Congrats! What a cute blog - I'm definitely a food floozie!
    Visiting from The Kid Can Cook at

  6. Well, I can't let the day pass without wishing you and your blog a Happy Anniversary. It's a blogging milestone and should be celebrated. I'm relatively new to your blog and don't post often, but I do want you to know how much I enjoy the food and recipes you share with your readers. I always enjoy my visits here. I hope you have a terrific day. Blessings...Mary

  7. Congrats on 1 year Mary!! Keep up your good work, I enjoy my am's with Yenta Mary :)

  8. Congratulations, Mary, on your First Birthday of blogging! It is a pleasure to read your blog - a bright spot in the day with lots of warmth, humor, and a feeling of good friends sitting at a small kitchen table for a nice chat!

    I really enjoy all your recipes and your eating out adventures. May there be more food come.

  10. happy (belated) bloggoversary to you my bloggy's been quite an awesome year with you =)

    thx for your support and lovely comments ^.^


  11. Happy first blog birthday Mary! I can't wait to see what you cook up for year two.

  12. Awe!!! Happy Blog Birthday, my dear dear friend! So sorry I've been MIA and missed your happy day - but I for one must say how happy I am you started blogging one year ago - for you have enlightened my heart and my kitchen many a times this past year! Wishing you many more years of happiness and nurturing - from my blog to yours!!! HUGS!!!

  13. Congratulations!
    How exciting!
    Thanks for linking up!


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)