
Friday, April 15, 2011

Lenten Friday: A Simple Salmon Salad

Back in 2007, I created a Super Duper Double Decker Salmon Salad Sandwich for a contest sponsored by Arnold Breads. (It was named a finalist for the Detroit area, and I even got to present it on one of the local morning news shows, which was a lot of fun!) The salad was made from scratch with fish poached in wine, and lots of lovely additions to the mix (a ginger dressing, carrots, etc.). It was really good -- even Jeremy, who loathes most fish and isn't too keen on vegetables -- really liked it.

But I just wanted a simplified version the other day, something to dip toast triangles into or to stuff into pita bread. I cut to the chase with a can of salmon, some minced cucumber, a little lemon juice ... and my secret ingredient.

I love mayonnaise, and it is sublime mixed with tuna or salmon or chicken or ham to make a creamy salad. But sometimes you don't want all of the fat that comes with it, and the healthier substitutes can have an odd taste. Mayonnaise also spoils if you keep it out too long, and these sorts of salads are perfect for picnics and other warm weather activities.

And so, how to have a creamy salmon salad without what most would consider to be the requisite mayonnaise???

Hummus. Red pepper hummus, to be specific, since the depth of flavor and the richness of the color perfectly complement the gorgeous sweetness and the coral hue of the fish.

This is a ridiculously easy and immensely flavorful salad for sandwiches, stuffing into hollowed tomatoes, serving as the centerpiece on a green salad, or any other way in which you'd like to eat it. It's nutritious, too ... how 'bout that??? And it's great for those poor folks who have egg allergies, as well.

Spring is here (for most of us, anyway!), so it's time to start lightening up the menu. Nourish and nurture yourself ....

Salmon Salad

1-1/2 cups salmon, flaked
1/4 cup red pepper hummus
juice of 1/2 lemon
pinch of salt
generous sprinkling of lemon pepper
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2" piece of cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped into 1/4" pieces

Stir everything together. That's it!


  1. Thanks for the great recipe. I am following from Friday 40 and Over. Hope you can come over and visit me.

    Mary O

  2. Mary, this sounds amazing!! Thank you for sharing. It would be a hit as an appetizer for parties. :)

  3. That's genius! I would have never thought of doing that, Mary. I can see combining the flavors now that you have gotten me thinking in that direction. Yum! These kinds of things are why you are my hero. Have a beautiful day, my friend!

  4. LOVE red pepper hummus.. actually topped some fish with it last night!! :)

    I love the salmon salad...and I must say, your super duper double decker sandwich sounds AMAZING!!!! At least I'll be craving a healthy snack all day!!!

  5. mixing with the hummus is a great idea!

  6. And yet another great use for hummus!! I love it!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday.

  7. Happy blog hopping!.

    I am a book blogger. I read varied genres, have a truly eclectic taste in books. Feel free to explore my blog, browse my reviews. I follow via google reader NOT GFC!

    Here is my Book Blogger Hop/Follow Friday post!

  8. Salmon & hummus -- two of my faves -- YUM!

    Love your blog!
    Hiya! Newest follower from Follow Friday Over 40 Hop-- please stop by and say hello! Would love if ya followed back!
    The Purple Goddess

  9. That sounds yummy! Though I'm not sure I have ever had hummus!


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