
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scaling Back a Bit More

I hate to do it ... really, truly, I've been debating it for weeks. I've gone over the permutations, the ramifications; I've discussed it with loved ones, spent hours distracted by trying to figure out a better way. But the reality is that there's a lot of mishigas ([mish-ih-GAHS] = Yiddish for "craziness") in my personal life right now, with family medical issues and too many deadlines and stresses looming over me. My brain spins with trying to keep track of dates, posts, photo ops, errands, meds, and I don't even know what else. But I do not - repeat, do NOT - want to give up the blog or, far worse, lose touch with all my friends and extended family here in cyberspace.

But I do need to cut back, and so I'm only going to be posting on Mondays and Fridays for awhile. I'm hoping things will calm down, once some obligations are met and events are attended and celebrated. I'm hoping even more that the health concerns sort themselves out and there is a return to normal ... whatever that might be. "Normal" isn't a state I'm particularly familiar with!

I'll still be posting on on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so come find me there on the Food & Drink page, where there will usually be recipes (unless I get dibs on a really great interview, or some other amusement). That frees me up to blather about whatever strikes my fancy here: recipes, cookbooks, experiments, holidays, events, ingredients, photos, and even appalling items I find in the grocery store (consider yourselves warned - a rant is brewing!). That's part of the fun of the blog, vs. my other writing assignments: it's mine, all mine, and there are no constraints or expectations. And I also get to meet the nicest people here ... :)

So I will do my very best to keep up with everyone, and will come back to more regular posting as soon as my schedule permits it ....


  1. Ah, Mary, we will miss the more frequent posts, but thank you for letting us know which days you'll post so we can keep up with you. I am hoping that the health issues get resolved, or at least some sort of 'better.' Praying for you and yours.

  2. Froma blogger who's an occasional poster at best I totally understand where you're coming from. (((hugs))) and sincere hopes that things calm down for you soon!

  3. I will miss the posts, but I will still be reading the ones you write! I am hoping everything on your plate works out!

  4. we will be thinking of you. Trust me, if I could cut back, I would. I think of it ALL the time

  5. You need to do what keeps you sane and healthy. Hope the health issues and other stuff becomes more manageable soon.

  6. Whew....for a second when you said "scaling back" I thought you were making fish and I HATE fish ;)


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)