
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Front Page, Above the Fold

Front page, above the fold - where everyone can see it even as it sits on a newsstand - is just about the best place for a story. And today, after a whirlwind of 6+ months that has kept me from blogging as much as I'd like to, kept me from keeping in touch with all of my friends here as much as I'd like to, I got a HUGE story (in more ways than one!) for Toledo, with primo placement, today.

Here's the story. It's a really good one, with tremendous nostalgic value and a lot of hope for something to brighten what can be some disappointing days in Toledo. The city needs a little love. We can't drink the water, unemployment is high, my paper did an entire story about blight in the city as the faltering economy has wreaked havoc here.

But today, people who are old enough to remember Tiedtke's Department Store are smiling as they think back to better days. People throughout the city who shopped at Tiedtke's or who grew up hearing about it - oh, the store is legendary for customer service and for taking care of employees! - are excited about a new, and old, tradition.

I still can't believe that, in January, food writing was my side gig and today I've got a front page headline. You never know what the universe has planned for you ....


  1. Woooo hooo!!!!!!! From someone who actually KNOWS what this means (since I worked for a newspaper, in Ohio no less lol) for more than 20 years, WELL DONE YOU!!

  2. I knew it! The cheese is from Wisconsin!!!! I still can't imagine almost 2 ton of cheese selling out in just a few days. Those Toledoans are serious cheeseheads! Great article, Mary. I'm so proud of you. (That is not a joke.) That sounds like such a great tradition. Glad they're reviving it. Wish there were still a wonderful department store with fantastic customer service.

  3. Congratulations! You are so right about never knowing what is around the corner. Great article and holy smokes that is a big assed hunk o' cheese. Where does a 2 ton cheese wheel sit? Wherever it wants!


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