
Monday, June 28, 2010

We Have a Winner!!!


As promised, at 11:30 p.m. this past Friday night I counted the people who'd actively claimed dibs -- yes, dibs! -- on the dish I was offering as an enormous and heart-felt "thank you" to my followers, those who read along on the adventures and mishaps of my life, both culinary and otherwise.

There were a variety of comments about the post, and 12 people said they'd like to be considered for the drawing. I plugged the data into's little gizmo, and the winning number was 11 -- Robin of Your Daily Dose. Mazal Tov!!!

I tried valiantly to copy and paste the little random number generator showing the results, but I am a proud Neoluddite who simply could not figure out how to do it. I could make a PDF, I could copy the html, I could do a lot of things with that little box ... but I couldn't do what I wanted to do, and the way *I* wanted to do it (since I am too obtuse to have figured out how it wanted me to do it). So I hope that my integrity speaks for itself when I make my own chart:

Min.: 1
Max.: 12
Result: 11

Robin is one of many people I've found here in cyberspace whom I am certain would be among my coterie of bestest girlfriends if she didn't live so far away. She hunts down scenes from the "Gilmore Girls" for me in which fellow speed-talker Lorelai -- who even has a red travel mug like mine ... this is getting eerie! -- seeks her caffeine fix. Robin also sends me good wishes through The Partridge Family's theme song, "C'mon, Get Happy"... and she's got some sort of power in this universe, 'cause it worked! I am very glad that this gift is going to such a good home ... :)

Having already laid claim to the dish in her comment on the L'Chaim post, Robin was happy to have been chosen and to have a new decoration for her home: "How awesome. I never win anything! That is great. I can't wait:-)"

So, my gift to Robin will be in the mail this afternoon. And again, I offer a profoundly sincere "thank you" to everyone who's offered so much support and encouragement to me. Even as verbose as I am, I cannot convey my gratitude sufficiently ....


  1. Thanks again. I know that the winning part was random, but I am still uber-excited. I tried to describe the dish to my mom, but gave up. Finally I told she would see it when it arrived! Anyway, thanks for having such a generous spirit. You should drop by my page. Don't know if it will make happy or sad, glad or mad, but you got another award... it's feast or famine baby!

  2. I LOVE your blog! I have given you an award!


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)