
Friday, July 16, 2010

Aloha Friday: The Question du Jour

Good morning, everyone!

It was hot enough and wretchedly humid enough yesterday that I think Ann Arbor felt as though it had been magically transported to Hawaii. (I've never been there, and am the only person I know who has absolutely no interest whatsoever in going there -- not being a heat, humidity, beach or airplane kinda girl -- so I can only presume ....) But since there seems to have been some semblance of commonality weather-wise, it only makes sense to join up with "Aloha Friday" today, hosted by An Island Life. (Yeah, it's a flimsy and tangential connection ... let's all just go with it!)

The rules are ridiculously simple, which is a good thing on a Friday with too much to do at work and too many errands and nitpicky details to handle afterwards: "If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link ...." Any kinda question is apparently permissible. Well, even a flaky chick like moi -- who, in my pre-caffeinated state this morning, managed to accidentally delete 8 comments intended for yesterday's post! -- can manage that one.

But, of course, there is the requisite decision making-induced brain paralysis to endure first: a food related question, to be certain ... a question about kitchen toys, yea or nay? ... one about ingredients? ... one about restaurants, favorite places or worst experiences? ... hmmmm .... Perhaps I spoke -- typed -- too soon when I said that this might be easy!

Okay, I've got it! Yesterday, Tom and I debated what kind of cookie each of us would be; I think he would be a simple cookie on the surface -- a sugar cookie, perhaps -- but with a rich and surprising filling. Here's what he wrote for me: "I see you as three freshly baked cookies - peanut butter, chocolate-cherry, sugar - crumbled in a bowl with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Then I see you as Girl Scout thin mints too: simple, yet satisfying and good with coffee." Analyze and interpret as you see fit!

So, here's my question: If you were to suddenly find that you'd been transformed into a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be???


  1. That's a good question. I have no idea why but I would want to be an oatmeal-rasin cookie just because those are my favorite.

  2. My mother says a double fudge chocolate chip cookie... that's what I'd be. But, I don't think so. I think I am more like a ginger snap cookie. Sweet but with a little bit of tang. So, you can let me know what YOU think!

  3. I'm visiting via Follow Friday 40 and Over and am your newest Follower :)

    Have a Great Weekend!

    ~ Jill

  4. Hmmm ... something chewy and sweet ... maybe a caramel brownie ... or a turtle brownie since I'm also a little nuts!

  5. Easy answer: I would be my Mom's chocolate chip cookies. ;)

  6. Chocolate chocolate chip...because I'm just that good :)

  7. I would have to say oatmeal raisin. And, I have no good reason other than I like them!

  8. OATMEAL CHOCO CHIP...nuff said :)

  9. Sugar Cookie. All the kids love me. Then I want to switch to double chocolate chip cookie for the adults :)

    p.s I'm also following you back!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. white chocolate chip macadamia nut!!!!Yummm

  11. Hmmm, that's tough to answer. I've been thinking how much I would like a cookie today....I guess I'd be a snickerdoodle just cause I forget how much I like it until I eat it. :-) You've got real fun blog. Came by via Follow Friday 40+.

    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

  12. COOKIES!!! my favorite :) ok, other than cupcakes, ice cream, cotton candy...ok ok back to cookies :) I guess I would be a sugar cookie with lots and lots of frosting :)

  13. Hmmm.. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, walnut, oatmeal. A little bit of everything.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Just love the tea party.

  14. Hmmm? Chocolate chip, peanut butter chip, walnut, oatmeal cookie. I'm a mixture of a little bit of everything.

    I found you through the tea party and am now following. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. Stopping by from Lady Bloggers. If I was a cookie I'd be a spicy ginger cookie--it's a little sweet and a little spicy and good any time of day :)

  16. I just that you linked up with the 40 and older crowd and I am in shock. Not because 40 is old (it will hit me soon enough), but because looking at your profile pic you look like you are in your early 20's. :) Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  17. Great post, great question. For me, probably a ladyfinger, soft and sweet.


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)