
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- Ann Arbor Art Fair Food: The Artery-Clogging Essentials

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  1. Oh man, funnel cakes...brings me back to my local town's annual Apple Blossom many delicious and fattening foods!

  2. What fun. I would love a caramel apple.

  3. That is one of the more inspired Wordless Wednesday photos. It kind of says it all, doesn't it.

  4. funnel cake is the only reason I braved the crowds (and weather!) at Art Fair.

  5. Fried Twinkies.....what else needs to be advertised??? lol

  6. First thing I saw was Fried Twinkies! How awesome/gross would that be! I would totally try one. Well, maybe split one with the family!

  7. Happy Wordless Wednesday.
    I love the sign, it reminds me of all the great fair food. I have never tried fried twinkies. It will have to be on my to do list.
    After I throw away my bathroom scales, lol.
    Thanks for linking up this week and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  8. Everyone always talks abt fried twinkies...but I've never been rbave enough to try one. :)

  9. You're too funny, Sheila -- I'm with you! This is typical State Fair, County Fair, Art Fair, Whatever Fair food; and I, for one, would like to find a fruit salad sometime. There was some ethnic food, at over-inflated prices; there were cinnamon almonds and lots of lemonade. But I saw this sign as they were setting up the Art Fair last week, and I knew it was a priceless photo op!!!

  10. Indeed artery clogging! But what would a summer fair be without those treats?!

  11. yes, the good food we love is bad for us.yes, our folks had more--in exercising than people of my age.

  12. Tastes so good...makes me feel so bad when I eat that kind of stuff! Fun photo though! I thought that kind of food was only in the South. We fry everything down here.

    Have a great evening!

  13. almost anything you eat at a fair is hazardous to your health, that's no fun. thanks for comment on my blog re my mother, i appreciate this.

  14. what a combo...fattening and DELICIOUS :) Happy Wednesday!

  15. Mmmmm...funnel fries...I am so glad I wasn't at this fair! The half container of chocolate covered raisins that I devoured was enough fat for me!


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