
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- Authentic Indian Cuisine


  1. I've never seen or heard of that...guess I need to do my research?!

  2. Interesting! It never ceases to amaze me what lands on shelves :)

  3. Who knew??? Where did you find that???

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  4. These are available at Indian markets, and they make me laugh -- both with humor and with disgust -- every time I see them. They're a good standardized product; but the Doughboy really has no legitimate place in "authentic Indian cuisine," does he???

  5. Wow! Just when you think you've seen it all... I'm going to have to get out, find this, and try it, just 'cuz :)

  6. The question is.. have you tried these? lol Oh Doughboy, what will you think of next???

  7. I have, indeed, tried them; I've been given disgusted looks from the proprietors of the Indian markets when I buy them, but the amusement value is just FAR too great to pass up! It's a good product, heats up and puffs up, does what it's supposed to like any good pre-packaged and standardized product. The markets also offer other brands, with more authenticity in name, labelling of ingredients, etc.; I buy those as well, but it's not as much fun!

  8. Authentic Indian?? I thought Pillsbury was from Minnesota. ;-)

  9. authentic or not...i'm still curious. how was it?

  10. oh that dough boy. He is ethnicaaly ambiguous.
    blog love from your newest follower
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  11. ha!....calling pillsbury products "authentic Indian Cuisine" is hilarious....but still

    if I could find it, I would try least once. I've never seen this product. Funny!


  12. I haven't seen this down in DC, but that is definitely a find.

    Hope you bought it! I want to hear a review.

  13. Newest Follower from Welcome Wednesday! They make anything now adays!

  14. Hi...
    I am new to your blog...and its really very interesting..I will be back for more :)

  15. I'm amazed at the different things popping up in mainstream grocery stores lately. From sugar-free cans of Pilsbury cake frosting (be careful, loaded with sugar alcohols that can have less than desirable side effects on your digestive system) to Gluten-Free Bisquick baking mix!

  16. I don't think my comment saved. So I have returned to say I love the shot. I am so thankful Pilsbury has made cooking easier.
    Thanks for linking up this week and have a fabulous day!

  17. I love roti! Where did you find this. I would love to get some. Stopping by LBS Tea Party. You have a great blog that's making me very hungry! :) LOL

  18. Haha, I am so glad you pointed this out, how funny is that. I think after eating one of these, I would be 'ready to puff' too. Oh translations and food, always the best :)


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