
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spice Girl

I think we all know how much I love Indian food; if you're new here and didn't realize it, let me assure you that this is one of the constants in the universe.

I've eaten at virtually every Indian restaurant in Ann Arbor, and have an assortment of spices -- Fenugreek, Cumin, Garam Masala, Saffron, Cardamom -- which help when I have a craving and need to cook something fabulous and fragrant.

And this was precisely the scenario one morning last week, when I could hear the Siren song of Indian food but would have no opportunity to go out at lunchtime and find some. I had no convenience items in the freezer and no leftovers from dinners out. It was up to me to save myself.

And so, I started to saute ... and I opened a couple of cans ... and I stirred and I simmered ... and voila! A quick and easy meal that smelled amazing as it cooked and as it reheated, and which was absolutely delicious with just enough "oomph" from the spices without burning my tongue.

Good thing I'm pretty limber, as I pat myself on the back for this one ... :)

Curried Chickpeas and Tomatoes

2 cups + 1/4 cup water
1 cup jasmine rice
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon garam masala
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 tablespoon cumin seed
1 small red onion, quartered, sliced
1 15-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 15-ounce can chili-ready diced tomatoes

Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a small saucepan; add rice, cover, lower heat to "simmer." Cook for 20 minutes without peeking.

Once the saucepan with the rice is covered and simmering away .... In a 10" skillet, heat oil and butter over medium heat. Add red pepper flakes, salt, garam masala, curry powder, and cumin seed; saute for 1 minute. Add onion and stir to coat with spices; cook for 1 minute. Add 1/4 cup water and bring to a boil. Add chickpeas.

Stir to combine, then cook for 2 minutes. Add tomatoes.

Bring to a boil, turn heat to "medium-low," and cover the skillet. Let this mixture cook while the rice cooks.

Place the rice onto a serving platter and top with the chickpea-tomato mixture. Serve with naan or roti, or just "as is."

Serves 4-6.


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  1. DEE LISH. YUMM. I am impressed with your spices! Excellent choices!

  2. Ok..confession time. I have never eaten chickpeas before. I've had hummus but never the chickpeas whole. This definitely makes me want to try them, though, that is for sure!

  3. Oh, this looks yummy. Have you considered adding cilantro? Mmm. Note: cilantro is my answer to anything curry-ish.

  4. Oh my. I will definitely make this recipe! I love chickpeas which I affectionately call garbanzo beans. Somehow it reminds me of a character on Sesame Street. Sorry, I digress. Anyway, just hearing about Indian food reminds me of two places:

    1. A wonderful Indian restaurant in Cirencester, England. Although I haven't eaten there since 2003, I still remember exactly what it smelled and looked like.

    2. A motel our family once stayed at in Chambersburg, PA that was hosted by an Indian family who lived on the third floor. Whenever we walked up the flight of steps to our room, the aroma of their dinner cooking taunted us mercilessly!

  5. YUM! This sounds really good Mary! Perfect for a lunch - very little mess (imperative if you ask me!) and delicious (the 2nd crucial requirement!). I might make something like this today!

  6. Your dish sounds very, very yummy - great comfort food!

  7. Chickpeas were calling my name this week - I love all the different spices you added but that it is still wonderfully simple dish! thanks for linking this to Two for Tuesdays!

  8. I haven't eaten Indian food in forever. I had a recipe for curried chicken in my recipe box, which we just found. I am now thinking that it sounds good. Hmmm. BTW, did you ever see your HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY footage from last week? I don't remember you commenting on it. However, that means nada b/c my mind is a sieve.

  9. I LOVE all the flavor you've packed into this meal, Mary! I would love to dive in =) So glad you shared it w/ t4t this week.

  10. Gol darn it Yenta Mary, you just brought back huge memories for me! This was one of my GO to recipes back in the day when I was a poor newly wed struggling to make ends meet in a tiny third floor walk up in brooklyn. Seriously, some of the BEST times of my life and the smell and taste of this recipe so brings back that love...gonna make it for my kids to try and tell them the story of my youth. thanks for sharing on the two for tuesday recipe blog hop. Alex@amoderatelife

  11. I've gotta pat ya on the back for this one, too, cause I love me some spicy food as well. It's fun to have someone else do it up right, but it's equally fun to experiment at home. Thanks for sharing your creation with T4T this week.

  12. I love indian food and chickpeas!! Sounds like something I am in need of trying.

  13. I'm SUPER impressed with your creativity but I may never come to your house for dinner! LOL!

  14. Delicious - I love chickpeas, and I especially love them in a curry.

  15. Looks delish! Thanks so much for linking up to the Iron Chef Challenge. I hope you'll come back next month.


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