
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- Homemade Bread with Homemade Jam


  1. Now THAT'S what I want for breakfast!! YUM!!!

  2. Okay, that does it! I'm going to bake homemade bread this week. We're having cooler temps and I've been thinking about that crust, fresh out of the oven with BUTTER on it. And I still have some homemade raspberry jam I made last summer. But I'll have to buy orange marmalade. Love that stuff!!

  3. Wow!!!! I wish I could make all kinds of great homemade foods!! I really do want to start canning! I think that would be so much fun. :)

  4. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
    First I have to apologize for just now getting around to checking out all the neat pictures this week. We unfortunately didn't have electricity most of the day yesterday. It finally came back on this morning about 1 am.
    Now there is nothing better than these two items. I think my favorite jam is strawberry.
    Thanks so much for linking up this week. I hope you have a fabulous day!


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