
Monday, November 8, 2010

Peanut Butter Party (with poll)

Wow, what a very cool surprise: I'm the "Blog of the Week" on Inspiring You to Save's "Meet Me Monday" blog hop!!! Many, many thanks, Jessica, for the great big smile on my face ... :)

Well, the first week of November is over ... one week of festivity has passed. Festivity? Isn't that what's coming up in just less than 7 weeks? The trees, the lights, the ornaments, the kitsch that was put on display in stores just after Hallowe'en -- is that the festivity you mean???

Nope. Not at all.

November is National Peanut Butter Lovers' Month. I personally go far beyond merely "loving" peanut butter. I could live on it. I eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cookies, peanut butter cups, Thai dishes with peanut sauce ... sweet or savory, I will eat peanut butter. I even ate some straight, off a plastic knife, at work the other day. I have no shame.

So, today I'm offering a poll. Tell me -- what's your favorite way to participate in these festivities???

November is National Peanut Butter Lovers' Month. How are you celebrating?
PB 'n' J
Elvis Sandwich (fried pb and banana)
Ice Cream
Savory International Dishes (i.e.: Thai, African)
All of the Above!!! free polls

mingle mondays button

Blogaholic Designs”=


  1. wow! Your header is exquisitely quirky! I love it!

  2. New follower from Meet Me Monday!
    Have a great Monday* :)

    ~ Nicole @

  3. I think I was the first vote, but then I've been up a long time, one who doesn't adjust quickly to DST ending. I have had peanut butter in one form or another most of the days of my life!!! Creamy or Crunchy, I love the stuff on crispy toast.

  4. Hi! I'm visiting (& following) from Meet Me Monday. Congrats on being the featured blogger!

    Have a great Monday!

    Linda @ Linda's Lunacy

  5. Congrats on being the blog of the week!!! WOOHOOO!!!
    I do love peanut butter and my favorite way is so simple...peanut butter and honey sandwiches.. mmmmm!!!!

  6. OK, so left a comment in the wrong place :) Way to go for being featured on the HOP! We are PB lovers! I'll grab your button for my page!

  7. Now follower feel free to follow me at

  8. Congrats on being the blog of the week. Stopping by from MMMBH but I already follow!

    From Chalkboards to Strollers

  9. Mmmmm....peanut butter. *drool*

  10. Congrats on the spotlight!!

    Already follow, swinging by to say hi from the blog hop.

    The Survival Mama

  11. New follower from Meet Me Monday! I'm allergic to peanuts, so I'll have to celebrate with almond butter ;)

  12. Congratulations on being Blog of the Week! I vote for Thai...Peanut Sauce is my new addiction!

    Did the decorations wait until after Halloween in your part of the country? Down here in the bayou, Lowe's had Christmas Trees up and decorated before Halloween. Craziness!

  13. You had me at "Peanut Butter" !

  14. p.s. congrats on your "blog of the week" honor!

  15. new follower! nice page!
    come check us out thanks!

  16. I personally am a peanut butter addict, what's not to love? Have a beautiful day! Hope to see you around soon at Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  17. Hi there I am a new follower from met me monday. Happy Hopping!
    Tiffany @ Wyatt Family Farm

  18. Peanut butter would be on my list of must have if stuck on a deserted island!!

    Congrats on Blog of the Week!

    Am your newest follower!

    Patty (Nana Poppins)

  19. Great site! I am your newest follower via monday blog hop. Please follow me back at


  20. New follower via Mingle Monday :)

  21. The only thing that stuck from this post is "I have no shame." I got there and it just kept repeating on a tape loop. And I thought, "Well that is why we call her the Food Floozie." Sadly, the rest of the post was lost on me because I read without comprehension. It was all "I have no shame and I am a Food Floozie." Sometimes I suck as a reader. Sorry.

  22. The anti-peanut crowd must be all up in arms!

    Hooray for PB!


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)