
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- Do Dreams Come True???


  1. LOL where did you find that?! It's fantastic!

  2. lol!!

    Works for me as long as someone else is doing it!

  3. Ha Ha!! I love it... I think I had a dream like that once.......... :)

  4. I'm pretty sure dreams (at least that one) do NOT come true. :D

    Cute pic!

  5. I have a theory: Anyone whose house is clean all at the same time must be a very dull person. LOL (I say, as I look around my kitchen and realize I have to get busy and clean this mess!!) Great card! :-)

  6. LOL, love it!! I woke up with a stiff neck and back pain feeling very guilty that I am sitting in the chair instead of cleaning. Maybe I should just work the pain out? Or go back to sleep and dream?

  7. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
    Love this photo. I do wish that if we would dream about a clean house or all the ironing done that it would come true. Thanks for the laugh of the day!
    Thanks for linking up and have a blessed day!


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