
Monday, January 17, 2011

Chicken in Creamy Cheese Sauce

I've been staying with Jeremy and, God help me, with his dad -- my ex-husband, Stuart, with whom I actually get along quite well -- for a few days while I figure out where I'm headed now. They're on the Atkins diet, on the buddy system; in exchange for their hospitality, I've not only been cooking but specifically making dinners that meet their dietary restrictions.

And just what are those dietary restrictions??? Fat: bacon, cheese, eggs, chicken, pork, beef, and a token green vegetable every once in awhile. Bleah.

Jeremy raved about it at first, as he indulged in all those foods that most diets forbid. But Stuart's not much of a cook, though he's enjoyed playing with the combination crockpot/pressure cooker his sister gave him for Christmas. Jeremy was growing most weary of seeing slabs of beef on a plate, served with ketchup.

So, when I started to slice an onion and cut up a chicken breast and pour in some cream and grate some cheese -- not to mention checking to see that 2/3 of a cup of peas would only cost 7 of the day's allotment of 20 grams of carbohydrates -- there seemed to be, shall we say, a fair amount of anticipation.

Jeremy just "mmmm"-ed and told me how nice it was to eat "real food" again. Even Stuart smiled sort of sheepishly, having tried hard but not having any particular cooking skills, and told me how much he was enjoying his meal. I was happy ... :)

I'm going to have to approximate the recipe, as I didn't have all of my usual accoutrements for scribbling notes, noting times, measuring ingredients, etc. But with items like the ones I used, you can really hardly go wrong!

Chicken in Creamy Cheese Sauce

2 tablespoons butter
1 large boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 2" pieces
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 large red onion, halved, sliced
1/3 cup chicken broth
3/4 cup cream
3/4 teaspoon thyme
3/4 cup shredded Swiss cheese

In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the chicken, salt, pepper and the onion; cook -- stirring occasionally -- to brown the chicken. When the chicken pieces are firm and the onion is caramelized, pour in the chicken broth; bring to a boil, then reduce by half. Add the cream and the thyme; let it bubble until reduced by about half. Stir in the cheese until it melts.

Serves 2 generously. Can be served over pasta or rice to serve 4.

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  1. Yum! I bet this would be good over some mashed potatoes to.

  2. That looks incredibly Mary! Maybe the Atkins diet isn't bad if you get to eat that!! :)
    I am truly sorry to hear about you and Tom...I guess maybe I thought I had misread your post from the other day....BIG HUGE HUG my friend!! Take care of you!!

  3. Looks delish! Thanks for joining us at Makin' Me Crazy Monday! New follower from Mama's Two Cents!

  4. Looks yummy!!

    Thanks for joining our Makin Me Crazy Monday Hop!!

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  5. Sorry about my last comment!!

    I forgot that I had copied a code inbetween hopping!! lol

    It's MONDAY!!

    xoxo from The Adventures of Mommy B

  6. Hmmm, living with your mostly grown son and ex, I see a lot of humorous blog material here! I'm almost jealous. Your chicken looks delicious Mary. Keep your chin up. I hope your new road takes you to a wonderful place.

  7. YM/ do know your way around a kitchen. that looks good to me and I'm not on Atkins. Have been though, and it worked for a while. I was m u c h younger then. Couldn't do it now.

    So, looks like I've missed a few goings on in your world. I'm going back now to see if I can catch up.

    Sounds like you're busting a move of some kind, which isn't exactly foreign to me.

    More later, keri

  8. Butter, chicken, cream and cheese...this is full of win right here.

  9. Oooh that looks yummy! I think I may make this next week!

  10. Are you kidding, only 20 grams of carbohydrates???? YIKES. I know as Americans we're way carb-heavy in our diets, but that is unreal! I can imagine Jeremy being pretty excited at the smell of an onion! LOL

    Thinking of you, Mary.

  11. With cream and know it's good! I've tried Atkins before...I lasted about 2 weeks.

  12. Atkins? Been there, done that and it worked like crazy for awhile. I never ate this good though. This looks fabulous! I'm imagining it over pasta at this moment. Shhhh! Don't mention that part to Jeremy or his dad. If it's working for them, we will support them in their endeavors. Love to you, sweet friend! Candace

  13. umm...YUMMY! I'm an avid low carber so this looks FAB to me!
    Low carbing has saved my health...been at it faithfully since 2008. :)

  14. Following from Monday Mixed Bag- please come follow back -

    Thanks, Lori


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