
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who Needs Regis??? I'm Co-Hosting Today!

Well, it's not only Hump Day, but it's also a snow day -- whee!!! We had been told to fear for our lives, with a "snowmageddon" bearing down upon us here in Ann Arbor ... yeah, pffffft. 6" of snow as of this morning -- rather than the 15" we'd been promised with dire warnings for safety having been issued -- with another 1-2" predicted for the day. Oh, well ... it's pretty. I'll go for a walk in the snow later, and I've got supplies for baking and cooking, so I'm all set.
Now, on to the day's business!
Happy Hump Day!!!

And rest assured, because it's all down hill from here. In a good way!


Its Hump Day!

This is another midweek blog/Twitter/Facebook hop! But only link up just 1 of the three!

Our Guest Host This Week:

1. Follow your hosts Mommy Only Has Two Hands and Food Floozie with what they link up on the linky form, which could be Twitter, blog or a Facebook page.

2. Retweet/Facebook this hop. You can do this with my tweet button in the top left corner of this post or on the bar at the bottom of this page.

3. Follow whomever follows you! Of course, you might have to initiate a follow by following people on the linky.

That is it!!

If you would like me to follow you, leave a comment and your URL to your blog, Twitter or Facebook page!

It would be nice if you displayed the button in your post or blog sidebar. I just ask that you only link up family-friendly blogs, Twitter or Facebook accounts. I will make sure it's family-friendly!! Link up and have fun, after all the week is half over....

P.S. Check out the giveaway link up here to link up your giveaways. Its a month long directory and I tweet out a few giveaways from the list every day!


  1. I I just put your button on my blog -- I thought I'd already had it up, but apparently not. Oh well, it's there now. :)

  2. I'm a new follower from the Blog Hop! I would love a follow back :) It would be awesome if you could also follow me on Networked Blogs & Facebook too! You could also stumble my blog if you like :-)

    Thanks, Misty

  3. Somebody at work yesterday said "I wish we'd get snow days"...I just looked at her and said you do realize with snow days comes actual snow, right? :) I wish I had a day off, but the snow you can keep!! Enjoy your day, Mary!

  4. Glad you're co-hosting but I still enjoy Regis! New follower.
    Debbie from

  5. Hi there!

    Following from the Blog Hop.Would love if you would follow back at:

    We were promise 30cm of snow here in Stratford, Ontario Canada. We didn't get much snow, mostly a lot of wind.

    Take care!

    From What's On My Mind

  6. I'd choose you over Regis any day, Mary! don't you love what Jenn said. :-)

  7. Great blog!
    New follower here.
    You can check me out at
    Nice to meet you!

  8. Yeah, we only got a few inches here. Now we're in a big ol' ice storm though. Sort of disappointed.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  9. Following you from the hop!



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