
Monday, March 7, 2011

Be @ Home

I received such a lovely email recently, from a representative of the home décor blog Be@Home; she was inviting me to be showcased in their weekly Best of the Web feature!

"I have been following your blog for the last few months and I am very impressed. I love the recipes you post, especially the one for Blueberry-Walnut Rugelach. We are always looking to feature new websites that have content relevant to our readers and would therefore love to share links with your blog."

Well, bestill my fluttering, flattered little heart!

So I went to the site to check it out before I made a decision ... wow. It made me jealous of people who have a keen eye for decorating and the talent to create beautiful crafts. It inspired me to want to become one of those people, someone who could take simple pieces and turn them into something gorgeous. It gave me the notion that I should host a fabulous dinner party, with flowers and skillfully coordinated-but-not-quite-matching dinnerware.

But -- most importantly -- Be@Home made me feel as though I could be that person with artistic flair and a sense of style. That is quite a feat! I can cook, but I'm not crafty and I don't do decorating or presentation particularly well.

As they say about themselves:

"If you’re looking for the best shopping tips, home care product reviews and top deals on home décor, you’ve come to the right place. Be@Home is’s blog source for everything you need to make your house—or apartment—look and feel like a home."

And so, I thank them for making me feel at home by featuring me on their exceptional site!

Go peruse Be@Home and all of its affiliate blogs, with great information about pets and electronics and kids and decor and cooking and whatnot, and see what you're inspired to do today ... :)


  1. Your blog is fabulous...just like you! Congratulations on getting the much deserved recognition! And thank you for the link to their website. I will look forward to visiting there after some much needed sleep. Have a wonderful week, sweet friend!

  2. What a huge compliment! You deserve it Mary :)

  3. How exciting for you! See...we all love you!


  4. How beautiful! How wonderful! Well deserved!

  5. They obviously have good tastes in blogs, if I know nothing else about them!!! What a great email to open up!! I'll go check them at now!

  6. Good for you Mary. They have good taste. Your blog is great!

  7. Nice entry on 'Best of the Web,' Mary! How fun. We all love your blog. :-)

  8. I believe more and more people will begin finding out how awesome you are! Maybe a book on the horizon for you...honestly, I think people would buy the heck out of a book from you!


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)