
Friday, March 18, 2011

For Japan, with Love

I've never witnessed a tsunami or faced the kind of devastation going on in Japan right now; but life as I've known it has been upended too quickly too many times for me not to have significant empathy. You wake up one morning and start going about your daily routine, and the next moment you're in an alternate universe trying to find your way back to an existence that has disappeared entirely and forever without your cooperation or permission. The trauma that the survivors have suffered is incomprehensible and heartwrenching.

So I'm clearly not participating in a Day of Silence. But I will forego blathering about food today out of respect for those who lost their lives both literally and figuratively when the earthquake struck and unleashed so much more horror.

For Japan, with love and prayers ....


  1. I should probably spend a little more time on the internet reading news because I had no idea this was going on. Love the post!

  2. I appreciated your description of what the average Japanese might experience. Right on the mark. Today I read they're considering burying a reactor. Such a desperate measure for a dire situation. Looking forward to more fun and food here!

  3. Really scary, I join you in this heartfelt tribute. Have a great weekend!

  4. Great Post Mary. My heart bleeds for these people. I wish I could do more to help them through this nightmare...

    Thanks for your input on the word verification topic. So far I'm getting a mixed bag of responses. But I'm with you.. until I get a bunch of spam, I'm keeping mine off and hoping others will too.


  5. It is hard for us to even comprehend the immensity of the disaster that has occurred in Japan. It's like we have no frame of reference for destruction of that extent. Nice post, Mary.

  6. Lovely post. I'm thankful that this scale of disaster is still beyond my comprehension; I can imagine, but barely.

  7. That was beautifully written, Mary. I can't even imagine what it is like over there. My thoughts and prayers are with them. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post.


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