
Monday, April 11, 2011

Yam 'n' Cheese Sandwich

Nope -- that's not a typo. I didn't mean to say "ham 'n' cheese". I'm currently staying at the vegetarian and kosher home of a friend, after all; ham is completely and utterly verboten!!!

So one night recently, I made myself a Yam 'n' Cheese Sandwich ... well, really a quesadilla, but that's a sandwich, right? Two pieces of bread with stuff in the middle. And the stuff was leftover yams transformed into a meal with the addition of some onions and some cheese.

Jeremy relies upon sandwich meat for a quick food fix, since he can simply reach into the refrigerator and start eating 6 seconds later; and sometimes I wonder whether Tom doesn't love hot dogs more than he does me, as he'll put them into virtually anything!

But my "go to" meal seems to be quesadillas -- they couldn't be easier, and I always have tortillas around for wrap sandwiches or burritos/enchiladas or some such thing. Fry 'em up, eat within 5 minutes!

Thus, when I found myself with leftover roasted yams, some whole wheat tortillas, some Muenster cheese slices, a scrap of onion to use up, and about a tablespoon of taco seasoning floating around, I threw it all together into something a tad more glamourous -- and infinitely more nutritious -- than any of the individual parts.

I know it sounds a kinda weird, but I've eaten roasted squash enchiladas at vegetarian restaurants; the sweetness of the vegetables goes quite well with the creaminess of the cheese and the toasted tortillas. And really, the mashed yams are virtually the same consistency as the refried beans traditionally used in these types of dishes.

So, give these quesadillas a try -- trust me! I wouldn't steer you wrong, I promise ... :)

Yam 'n' Cheese Quesadillas

1/2 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup sliced onion
1 teaspoon taco seasoning
2 large whole wheat tortillas
3 slices Muenster cheese
1/3 cup mashed pre-cooked yams

Heat the butter in a small skillet over medium heat; add the onion and saute until translucent. Add the taco seasoning and cook for 1 more minute.

Place 1 tortilla into a large skillet. Tear the cheese into 2-3" pieces, and place half the cheese onto the tortilla.

Spread the yams over the cheese, and top with the onion.

Place the rest of the cheese over everything, then top with the second tortilla.

Cook over medium-high heat for a few minutes per side, until toasted and golden. Let rest for 1 minute before cutting into 4 pieces.

Serves 2.

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  1. Quesadillas are my "go to" meal for something quick around here. In fact, I had one Saturday night with roasted chicken, bbq sauce and pepperjack cheese. Great idea for a filling, Mary! I have never had them with yams...but I'm convinced you can put anything in a tortilla. When I make my quesadillas, I don't even bother with the cumbersome second tortilla. I just put cheese on half...filling on top...a few pieces of cheese on top of the filling and fold it in half. So much easier to toast that way. I'm going to give your yam quesadillas a try soon! Yum!

  2. Who would have thought! That is such an interesting idea. I for one already know I will love these flavors (and the crunch!)

  3. Fantastic idea!! I'm telling you what, if I ever decide or am forced to become a will be my go to girl for recipes for sure!!
    I think quesadillas are my fast go to food too...they are so easy and you can fill them with just about anything..I LOVE that!

  4. This actually sounds really good and I think I'm going to have to try it! I would have never thought of it!

    I'm now following from the I love my Online Friends Monday Hop! Would love if you'd stop by and check out my blog at ! Have a great Monday!


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