
Friday, March 8, 2013

Frugal Floozie Friday - Happy's Pizza

A reader named Ken Calcut wrote to me last week, noting that "Catholics who are observing Lent have to eat fish on Fridays." He asked if, perhaps, I might "want to do a Frugal Fish Friday?"

Well, as a girl who spent 13 years in Catholic schools, I spent much of my life eating fish on Fridays. And two years ago, before starting my frugal series, I offered weekly Lenten Friday posts of non-meat dishes.

So Craig and I ordered take-out from Happy's Pizza to honor Ken's request, finding the generous Filet of Fish sandwich pictured above and also a seafood pizza. Both can be enjoyed within our mandatory budget of $5 per person.

Craig is not usually a fan of fish sandwiches, so I had expected to eat this myself while he ate most of the pizza. I was wrong - he liked this so much that he split it with me. Crisp fish topped with cheese, with tartar sauce, and with lots of vegetables - so you can tell yourself that it's healthy! - was substantial and cost only $4.95.

The small seafood pizza, which measures 10" across, costs $8.95; its thick crust is topped with Black Tiger shrimp, onions, mushrooms, and banana peppers, in addition to lots of cheese. Even just half of it turned out to be very filling - Jeremy was very pleased to be the recipient of leftovers, and he specifically stated to me that those three slices were "more than enough" for a meal.

Happy's has numerous offerings to keep both carnivores and vegetarians satisfied within our budget. You can order a small cheese pizza, a cheeseburger or chicken burger, a large serving of macaroni and cheese, or a half-pound of boneless wings for $4.95. Or try the Spicy Polish Boy - "2 Spicy Hot Links with fries & slaw smothered in BBQ sauce" - which also costs $4.95. One piece of fish costs $2.50, and can be paired with a side dish of cole slaw or fries (plain, BBQ or Cajun) for prices ranging from 95 cents to $2.50. Desserts are all less than $4 each. And, of course, you can order larger pizzas and share them with family and friends.

So whether you're looking for an alternative to fish sticks on a Lenten Friday, or you don't feel like cooking and want good food and a good value, Happy's Pizza is the place to go.

Happy's Pizza
600 S. Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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Happy's Pizza on Urbanspoon


  1. A pizza place that makes a killer fish sandwich? That's just unheard of in most parts... I can only imagine how good their pizza must be :)

  2. I might even break my GF rule if Happy's delivered that seafood pizza to my door. lol

    Have a great weekend, Mary!

  3. Don't you just love those neighborhood "pizza" shops that make just about every dish under the sun and don't charge you an arm & a leg to enjoy it!? It's hard to find a good fish sandwich in some seafood places, so this is a definite winner! Now... it's time to browse around and catch up with all of the goodies I missed during my extended ansence! Glad I had a little bite to eat beforehand. LOL XOXO

  4. That pizza sounds fabulous! I love shrimp.

    What's the reasoning behind giving up meat on certain days?

  5. My dad called me today to make sure that I knew I wasn't a freak for not liking fish, that he passed it on to me, lol. He had read my last post.


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