
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kaffee Klatch and "American Foodways: The Jewish Contribution"

A $6 tray I bought at a flea market in Midland, MI this past summer; it's from the 1950s - older than I am!

And for those of you who can't get to Ann Arbor to see "American Foodways: The Jewish Contribution" - the cookbook (and much more!) exhibit I worked on at the University of Michigan Library - here's a link that will let you peruse the materials. The food festival section is my own personal baby; and I did a lot of sorting and choosing among the culinary ephemera, as well ... :)


  1. That tray looks pretty good considering how old it is. People only wish they could hold up so well against the machine of time.

    BTW, I dedicated something to you on the Thursday post. Last Thursday. Not tomorrow:)

  2. That is pretty cool that you did that for the American Foodways deal. I bet it was a ton of work.


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