
Friday, February 21, 2014

Playing Catch-Up

The chocolate and white chocolate mousse torte from Giorgio's - the chef/owner's signature dessert.

I moved to Toledo on the 1st to become the new Food Editor of The Toledo Blade. It's been a dizzying whirlwind of unpacking, training on new systems and programs, learning to work with a team when I'm accustomed to being a one-woman show who did my own posts entirely (including the pictures), orienting myself and not getting lost ... whew! I feel as though I've done virtually nothing since I came here - with the exception of visiting Jeremy last week (I miss him!!!) - but work and try to get myself up to speed in a dozen different areas. I'm still trying to catch up with all the comments on my pieces, with voicemails, with emails, with commitments.

At the same time, I've met some of the most wonderful, welcoming people here! Everyone - well, except for the woman who called on the day my first column came out (and called, truly, the moment that I'd just sat down at my desk!), chastised me because she couldn't find the recipe for a dessert that was merely featured as an example of culinary students' work, and then hung up on me when I offered to get the recipe for her - has been unbelievably kind and gracious. Folks here have tremendous pride in their city and in its food, and they want me to love it all, too. It's pretty hard to resist when an entire city is rolling out a red carpet for you, and feeding you along the way! Craig and I are going to a Shabbat dinner tonight at the home of a legendary cook; she warned us to stop eating at noon, so we'd be ready for the meal, but others have chimed in that I should have stopped eating yesterday!

So ye olde blog has been a tad neglected, shall we tactfully say? And I feel as though I'm neglecting my friends, too, as I'm so busy trying to stay afloat that I haven't read your own wonderful work, commented, anything ... sigh. I'm in transition, and I'm hoping things will calm down a bit soon.

In the meantime, though, I thought I'd at least share my adventures with you by showing you some of the amazing food I've eaten since coming here! That's right - Toledo is a GREAT food town, and I'm here to make sure everyone knows it!

Vegetarian plate at Manos Greek Restaurant.

Mini cinnamon rolls from Black Kite Coffee & Pies, at the Restaurant Week Kick-Off.

Curried Chicken Salad from The Cafe at Oliver House, at the Restaurant Week Kick-Off.

From Registry Bistro, at the Restaurant Week Kick-Off.

Reuben at the Dorr St. Cafe.

Shredded Chicken Quesadilla at La Hacienda.

Be sure to read my column and my weekly features (recipes, community members, etc.) on Tuesdays to keep up with everything ... :)


  1. This is the ONE TIME that I am happy to not see you posting. I know that it means that you are settling in and loving it. It is so inspirational to watch you move from writing about food as a hobby to getting paid for it (but not enough to exist solely on that paycheck) to Food Editor at The Blade. That shows if you stick with it, and are good at it, good things do happen. You can get paid for doing something you love!!!

  2. What a huge and exciting move that is, Mary! I hope all goes well for you in your new location. They're going to love you, of course! Boy I wish that vegetarian Greek tray were sitting in front of me right now!

  3. Sooo happy for you! Not surprised at all that Toledo has embraced you (well, except for that one nasty woman lol). You know I am originally from Ohio and Ohio is warm and welcoming! MUCH more so than Michigan is I'm afraid :)
    You will get the hang of it all and they are lucky to have you! soooo happy for you!!!

  4. I'm so excited and happy for you, Mary!! This is such a great opportunity for you and I love to hear that everyone has been so wonderful to you (well except that nasty lady on the phone.. there always has to be one of them, doesn't there???) Don't feel bad about not posting, it's quite understandable.. plus you know we'll all be here when you have the time!! Take care of you! xo

  5. Best of success in your new role, Mary. I miss your delightful Frugal Friday posts in the A2 News and know that you'll bring the same sparkle to the Blade as their Food Editor.


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)