
Friday, October 22, 2010

8 x 8 x 8

The ever-charming baking whiz Kristin, at Kuppy Kakes by Kristin, tagged me in a round of 8 x 8 x 8 which has very simple rules:
You answer the 8 questions that the tagger has come up with. Then you get to create 8 questions of your own, tag 8 people, and continue the torture! ;)

So here I go, answering 8 really tough questions and then racking my brain to find 8 victims of my own and think of 8 unique, creative and scintillating questions to pass along ... hmmmm. Well, I guess there's no better place to start than at the beginning!

1.) If you could choose to be any kind of food, which would it be, and why?

A dessert, of course! I'd be sweet, I'd be rich, I'd be popular ... :)

2.) What is the best memory you have from elementary school?

I loved school, loved it! Not only was I really good at it, but it was an escape from home -- perfect in all ways. So what was my favorite memory??? The one that comes to mind took place in 1st Grade, as my class sat with Sr. Hosa -- whom I loved dearly -- talking about something, I don't even remember what. I mentioned that I'd had a brother, who had died before I was born. She looked at me and very gently said "You still have a brother, he's just waiting for you in Heaven." It was such a sweet, kind, reassuring thing to say! It's been 41 years, and I still vividly remember her expression, the tenderness in her eyes, and her sincerity ....

3.) What is your most favorite holiday tradition?

Latkes at Chanukkah!!! I love Rosh Hashanah services on the first night of the holiday ... I bake hundreds of Christmas cookies to give to loved ones ... I always make corned beast and cabbage and soda bread for St. Paddy's Day. But really, how can you beat fried potatoes???

4.) What would be your dream location to live (money not a problem)?

Ooooh, let's see ... Paris? Provence? Florence? Marrakesh? It'd have to have fabulous food, gorgeous art, lots of color and flavor and intrigue!

5.) Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? If so, where were you?

Not a fan of being in the water and don't live near the ocean, so the jellyfish have thankfully not tasted my toes.

6.) What is your favorite color?


7.) If you could choose to marry any celebrity, who would it be?

Not into celebrities, particularly ... I wouldn't even have a clue, sorry!

8.) What is your absolute favorite song? EVER.

"More Than This" by Roxy Music. (Gotta click on the link, 'cause I couldn't embed it.)

So, now let's pick some names from a hat, in random order ....

1. Judy - Cranberry Morning

2. Jenn - Jenn's Food Journey

3. Nicole - Destination Unknown

4. Rachel - Diary of a Chocoholic

5. Leanne - From Chaos Comes Happiness

6. Tanya - Miller Racing Family

7. Keri - Always Curtsy When You Sneeze

8. Karen - Eat Drink Wash Up

And now for the hardest part -- coming up with my own questions, ones that won't make me seem either improper or insipid! I'll try to make them easy, for the end of a long week ....

1. Do you speak any other languages besides English?

2. Do you still have your favorite blanket, teddy bear, toy, whatever from childhood?

3. Marshmallows on the Thanksgiving sweet potatoes, or not?

4. Do you have a compost pile/container?

5. Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, soccer, golf, dodgeball, lawn mower racing ... what's your favorite sport to watch?

6. How many cookbooks do you own?

7. Do you like scary movies?

8. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

That's all, folks!


  1. Hey Mary, I just turned down a game of tag a couple days ago, so I better stick with it. However, I'm going to answer the questions here cuz they're just fun questions. :-)

    1. Do you speak any other languages besides English? Probably enough Spanish to annoy a native speaker, and maybe enough to get directions to a bathroom.

    2. Do you still have your favorite blanket, teddy bear, toy, whatever from childhood? I actually do have a teddy bear my father won at the Minnesota State Fair when I was little. I'm hoping it will be worth 10,000 dollars on Antiques Roadshow in a couple years. lol

    3. Marshmallows on the Thanksgiving sweet potatoes, or not? PLEEEEEZE keep those nasty marshmallows away from my sweet potatoes. Just butter, salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of cayenne.

    4. Do you have a compost pile/container? Yes, but now it's full of blighted tomato vines. :-(

    5. Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, soccer, golf, dodgeball, lawn mower racing ... what's your favorite sport to watch? Absolute favorite spectator sport is watching our son work, especially splitting wood. :)

    6. How many cookbooks do you own? Way too many, and a couple years ago I foolishly cleaned out and got rid of a couple of my Hippie cookbooks. I've kicked myself ever since!

    7. Do you like scary movies? Yes, but I only watch them in broad daylight and only if my husband promises me he will not be gone overnight anywhere for months and months. and months.

    8. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? No. Each year I plan to be on the lookout throughout the year for things I know people will like. Then November gets here and I wonder what happened...

    And by the way, it was fun reading your answers!! :-)

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me and for the awards! Your blog is so cute :), always a pleasure to visit. Hope to see you around at Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  3. Hi, found you via Over 40 and am now following!

  4. Following You from Sunday Strolling Blog Hop.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm now following you as well :)

    Love your blog name, very clever :)


So, let's chat! I love hearing from my friends ... :)