
Monday, October 25, 2010

Every Day is Hallowe'en

Well, despite the fact that Christmas decorations are starting to appear in stores -- though I haven't seen any Chanukkah tchotchkes yet, despite its starting on the evening of December 1 -- we all know that Hallowe'en is coming on Sunday.

I've got my black t-shirt with the little orange sequined pumpkin all ready, and will pair it with dangly spiderweb earrings as I dispense candy to adorable little ones (my favorites are the ones who have no clue what's going on!) and kids who are too old to be begging but who will not be turned away. As I type this, I still haven't roasted any pumpkin seeds. Progress, my friends, not perfection! Remember that ....

This week, every day will be Hallowe'en at Food Floozie. Even though Jeremy is 19 and gave up trick-or-treating years ago, there are still some traditions that can't evaporate. I make pizza and cheeseburgers with jack-o-lantern faces on them. I make an idiot-proof snack mix that involves only opening bags and dumping junk food (caramel corn, M&Ms -- stuff that's utterly lacking in nutritional redemption!) into a bowl before stirring it all together. And I use festive sprinkles for decorating cookies or candies or whatever I have the time and the inclination to make.

So check in each day for a new festive idea! And don't bother playing the Monster Mash on Hallowe'en -- it's overdone. Try this oldie but goodie instead ....


  1. I think my whole week lacked nutritional redemption - at least the past couple days.

    Have a fun week. You've gotta post a pic of you in the black sequined T and spidery earrings. :-)

  2. I love Halloween too! Unfortunately, this year I have been so busy I haven't even planned to make anything special... I look forward to seeing what you have for us this week!!

  3. Looking forward to some Halloween goodies!

  4. All of those treats sound delicious. I'd love to see what those cheeseburgers look like.

    At the Haggis and the Herring, we were planning on fusing together Chanukah and Halloween, since the end result would be a uniquely scottish dish.

    The deep frying of Chanukah combined with chocolate bars give us the famous deep-fried mars bar.

    However, since our Jeremy arrived early, we won't be going out for our deep-fried chocolate this year. Maybe next year.

  5. oh I love Halloween so much...I wish it was celebrated more here in Germany.


    thank you for your super lovely comment always manage to cheer my up =)

  6. Hi, I am your newest follower from Making Friends Monday blog hop. Please visit me at

  7. Halloween week, hooray! I can't wait to see all the spooky goodies you'll post :) FUN!!

    PS the plastic joy award showed up by my comment box, that cracks me up every time! LOL!!

  8. How is it that I am not surprised that Halloween is not just a day for you, but a week??? You crack me up. Jeremy is a lucky kid. I hope he appreciates you!

  9. My menu is so far from fun and Halloween-y this week. I should do something floozie-ish.

    Excited to follow all your adventures now, swinging by from the blog hop.

    The Survival Mama


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