
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Share Your Breakfast and Feed a Hungry Child

Quick post today, 'cause you've got a homework assignment to complete and I don't want to delay you. Don't worry -- it's ridiculously easy!

All you have to do is click on this link and tell Kellogg's what you had for breakfast (photo, description, or text) -- that's it!

And here's why you need to do this:

At Kellogg's, we believe in the power of breakfast and its ability to bring out the best in each day. And yet, one in four children live in food-insecure households, making breakfast hard to come by. So when you share your breakfast with us, we’ll (donate money to increase school breakfast participation). Our goal? To help share one million breakfasts by the start of the 2011–2012 school year .... $1 donated = 5 school breakfasts.

So go share all the details about what you ate, and be sure to do so each day. Send this to all your friends, post it on Facebook, tweet it, and use whatever other technological innovations there might be that I will likely only find out about once they're passé.

Because food is a basic human right. And it's just simply unconscionable that anyone -- particularly a child -- should go hungry ....


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for letting us know about it :)

  2. I will share that I ate a piece of my mother-in-law's lemon meringue cake/pie for breakfast and then be ashamed for the rest of the day....but it's for a good cause! :)

    Have a wonderful day, sweet Mary!

  3. Love this... heading over there right now!

  4. What a great link! And I really got into checking out what each state likes most for breakfast. :-)

    I also got very happily distracted by the great chicken coop on your sidebar. I'm seriously considering getting some chickens so we can have our own eggs.

  5. I totally slept through breakfast. *sigh* So, I am skipping the link. Egads.


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