
Friday, April 29, 2011

White Chocolate Cherry Scones

Virtually everyone I know either didn't care in the slightest about today's royal wedding, or lost interest due to the onslaught of inanity leading up to it. I, however, immersed myself in the IQ-lowering amusement all week!

I was raised on these events, since my mother is Canadian, starting with Princess Anne's first wedding in 1973 and following along to Charles and Diana, Andrew and Sarah/Fergie, Edward and Sophie, then Charles and Camilla.

I've been thrilled about William and Catherine since I first heard the announcement, and am the only person I know -- in the real world, at least -- foolish and devoted enough to be planning to watch the show live (Jeremy plans to watch a re-run with me later), albeit in my jammies rather than in a froofy hat and white gloves.

Since my invitation got lost in the mail -- and I had a brand new perfect dress to wear, too! -- I had to put on my own celebratory meal instead of partaking in the wedding fruitcake, the chocolate biscuit groom's cake, or any of the hors d'oeuvres. So I debated whether to do something original, or whether to go with the old tea time favorites ... and I decided upon tradition with a twist.

Instead of cucumber sandwiches, I chose egg salad. I selected some fruit -- pineapple and strawberries. I found a gorgeous English Double Gloucester cheese that had been layered with a beautiful Stilton ... sigh. And, of course, the requisite tea!

But the cornerstone of my treats had to be the essential scone. I could have made some plain ones, and served them with lemon curd or clotted cream ... or both. But I had some leftover white chocolate-covered dried cherries (a most appreciated gift when an observant friend had to clean out forbidden foods for Passover), and put them to good use in my baking.

The cherries added the perfect amount of sweetness and texture to these lovely scones, which are more cake-like rather than biscuit-y. Chocolate-covered cherries would also make an exceptional addition.

Mazal Tov to the happy couple!!! May they live happily ever after ... :)

White Chocolate Cherry Scones

1 cup white whole wheat flour
1 cup unbleached flour
1/3 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
3/4 cup quick-cook oats
1/2 cup butter, in small pieces
3/4 cup chopped white chocolate-covered dried cherries
2/3 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
3 teaspoons milk

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a baking sheet.

In a large bowl, combine the flours, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder and oats. Using your fingers or a pastry cutter, mix in the butter until the mixture is crumbly. Stir in the chopped cherries, then stir in the buttermilk. Knead the dough just until it holds together, then press it into an 8" circle on the prepared baking sheet. Score the dough into 8 portions, then bake for 25 minutes until the scones are golden and the center is set. Let cool completely.

Cut the scones into individual portions. Stir together the confectioners' sugar and milk to make a glaze, then drizzle it over each scone. Let the glaze set, then serve.

Makes 8 scones.

A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop


  1. I love scones.. add white chocolate to them and well.... can I have one please???
    I know a ton of people that set there alarms for the wedding...heck, the cover started at 1am just needed to be able to stay awake that long...if I had had your goodies, I probably could have made it!! :)

  2. Girl - white chocolate ANYTHING and I am in!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday. I hope to see you again next week!!

  3. I made scones for the event too! :-) I like the sound of your recipe. I'll have to try these.

    Hope you have a great weekend, Mary.

  4. Wow...what a lovely combo! My hubby adores white chocolate AND cherries (his fave ice cream is Ben & Jerry Cherry Garcia. LOL)

    Thanks for this recipe! I'm think this will be his Father's Day breakfast! :)

  5. At least there are plenty of Anglophiles out here on the internet to keep you company! I didn't have the ambition to get up in the middle of the night, but I did start watching it first thing this morning and have enjoyed it thoroughly. There is some great coverage here:

  6. White chocolate AND Cherries? Be still my stomach! I'll have to make these the next rainy day that rolls in. (which shouldn't be long based on our weather lately) That's when I bake because it makes me feel, well... less cold and damp. Must be why the Brits are so fond of them?

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. I have never had white chocolate covered cherries before. Those had to have been fantastic. They certainly look it. I didn't get to see the wedding on tv since we don't have cable or satellite; but, I did catch a few snippets of the videos today. Sooo beautiful and I believe in their love. I'm just a romantic at heart though. I wish them all the best. Have a wonderful time with Jeremy! I know you will!

  8. I have never tried to make scones but seeing your scones inspires to try amd make some.your scones look enticingly yummy.And yes.. I watch the wedding..since they announced their engagement,Ive been following news and articles them.I think they will do good together.Prince William really loves Kate, you can see how excited he was during the I do ceremony,the look on his face, the way he smile.Kate is such a lovely woman with great personality...Oh my..Im a hopeless romantic!lol! Have a happy weekend.

  9. Congratulations, you've won a Versatile Blogger award! To claim it, go to !

  10. So lovely, my dear! I only wish I read this earlier this week, and I would have surely made them for our royal wedding party (oh, yeah, I had to have one!) I'm a royalgeek, for sure! Love the recipe. Still wish I lived closer to you ... I think your kitchen would be my second home, for sure! hugs.

  11. Hey .. . think I just left you a comment under my husband's name!!! If I did - please know that it was from me! hugs is really from me, and not from him! How funny ;)

  12. Those scones look awesome! By the way, I would have totally dressed up and watched the wedding with you! My invitation got lost too :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  13. I watched the wedding too! But I never got around to making scones, unfortunately. Too sleepy. ;)

  14. These are the perfect accompaniment for a cup of tea and a royal wedding. I think you already know how excited I was about the wedding. I hope you and Jeremy had a nice little party together. What a good son!


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