
Friday, August 20, 2010

Chocolate 'n' Coffee, Coffee 'n' Chocolate

While I am mired both at work and at home in preparations for the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah [rah shah-SHAH-nuh] and Yom Kippur [yome kee-POOR], and can't see past Sukkot [soo-KOTE] (a pilgrimage and harvest festival, which follows a week later), others are apparently looking down the road to Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving and even Christmas. Well, I'll have to deal with all of those at some point, too, won't I??? So why not now?

Carol at The Answer is Chocolate is once again hosting a link-up for holiday recipes, crafts, decor and other notions:

And so, because I cannot ignore either the call of chocolate or of a friend who is so devoted to its power, here is my contribution to the cause -- Mocha Streusel Coffee Cake.

Now, this can be served for a Christmas brunch ... to welcome guests in the sukkah ([SOOK-uh] = a temporary structure built for Sukkot) ... for dessert with ice cream ... or just 'cause it's Friday. Really, there is no wrong time for something this delicious and easy to make!

I used butter in the streusel topping because that's the kinda girl I am. But you could easily use Earth Balance butter substitute -- the only one I'll endorse, by the way -- and make this pareve ([PAHRV] = neither meat nor dairy, a classification for those who keep kosher), dairy/lactose-free, and vegan. And no one will know the difference if you do, 'cause all the chocolate and coffee will make up for it!

Enjoy ... :)

Mocha Streusel Coffee Cake
(adapted from Moosewood Restaurant's "Six-Minute Chocolate Cake")

1-1/2 cups white whole wheat flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup cold coffee
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons cider vinegar

1/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

2/3 cup confectioners' sugar
few tablespoons cold coffee

Preheat oven to 375F. Grease an 8"x8" baking pan.

Make the cake: In a large bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. In a measuring cup, combine the oil, coffee, vanilla and vinegar. Pour the liquid over the dry ingredients and combine well. You'll see the batter bubbling as the acidic vinegar reacts with the baking soda -- this enables the cake to rise.

Make the streusel: In a small bowl, combine the melted butter, brown sugar, flour and cinnamon. Distribute little blobs of this mixture evenly over the top of the cake batter.

Bake for 30 minutes or so, until a tester inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool completely.

Make the glaze: Place the confectioners' sugar into a small mixing bowl. Add coffee bit-by-bit until the mixture is the consistency of paint. Drizzle the glaze over the cake and let it set.

Cut, serve, graciously accept compliments (that is, if you share!).

I have to tell all of you that I was absolutely THRILLED to wake up this morning, turn on my computer, and find the most wonderful surprise: Rachel at Diary of a Chocoholic (gotta love anyone who labels herself a chocolate lover!) named me her featured blogger this week. But it gets better -- some very lovely things were written about me ... awwww, shucks. I'm blushing! Thank you so much for my day brightener, and on a chaotic day when I so desperately need the love as much as I need some chocolate ... :) Be sure to check out Rachel's blog, as it offers warmth and wisdom as well as wedding plans (mazal tov!!!), and it simply shouldn't be missed!

Blogaholic Designs”=


  1. Yum!!!

    And Congrats- you're this week's featured follower!

  2. It sounds super delicious!!! I love anything that pairs chocolate with coffee:-)

  3. How yummy! I will have to bring this to Rosh Hashanah dinner. Thanks! Now I know what to bring!

    Found you through a blog hop and so glad I did! I'm your newest follower!

  4. Looks so delicious, no matter what the holiday!! I think I'll make this next time the family comes out from the Big City. :-) They'll love it. I may alter it a bit with my gluten-free flours, but love that chocolate and coffee combination! Who wouldn't! :-)

  5. You had me at chocolate and coffee. then I read the recipe and saw the cinnamon topping. Now I'm powerless against going into my kitchen and making this ASAP!! Yenta Mary, you've combined the 3 best baked goods flavors into 1 amazing cake. THANK YOU :)

  6. This looks SOOOOOO good! I'm going to have to make this for the next time I have friends over. YUM!

  7. if your a butter kind of girl, your definitely my kind of girl!
    Choclate does sooth the soul, and your coffee cake sooths it and bathes it in a symphony of flavors....sigh
    Hope your holiday preperations go well...and I can't even begin to think about Christmas!

  8. Congratulations! Who better deserves to be featured than you. It's the streusel that makes this cake special and wow. I'm glad you explained why the recipe called for vinegar - I was wondering about that. It looks absolutely delicious. I can imagine how busy you are with your busy holiday season. Hope you're enjoying everything.


  9. Congrats on your featurette. Not sure that is a word, but you know what I mean.

    Wanted to let you know that I got your comment. I think that sometimes we do have an expectation for something and we end up inviting it into our lives (even though we don't want it). It is why it is so important to get rid of stuff that holds us in a bad mental place. We need to change our point of attraction so that we attract good things instead of bad. Does that make sense? Anyway, hugs to you. I am glad that you survived it and made your life into something happier.

  10. Wow! This looks absolutely delicious and contains 2 of my most favorite-est things; chocolate and coffee. ♥
    Thank you for sharing this!

  11. You definitely deserve to be a featured blogger! Congratulations :)
    mmmm...chocolate and coffee and cake!!!!!!

  12. This looks amazing! I've got to try this one. There is nothing better than coffee and chocolate in my book. Thanks, Mary!


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