
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday 13 -- Kitchen Stuff and Nonsense

I'm not a gadget-y girl -- no food processor, no immersion blender, no Kitchen Aid mixer ... and my personal opinion is that bread machines are a sacrilege. I don't consider any of these to be essentials.

But I do have a very well stocked -- a.k.a.: overcrowded -- kitchen nonetheless! So here are 13 different items that I use on a fairly-regular-to-almost-never basis, but which are all still important to me and which form a part of my entourage:

1. Quiche Pan with a Removable Bottom

2. Bone-Shaped Doggie Biscuit Cutter

3. Small Moroccan Tea Glasses

4. Chopsticks

5. Cheese Tongs

6. Springerle Mold

7. Small Plates to serve BBQ Fixin's

8. Microplane Grater

9. 13"x9" Springform Pan

10. French Casserole Dish

11. Crinkle Cutter for French Fries

12. Garlic Saver

13. Alaskan Ulu

Blogaholic Designs”=


  1. I love your BBQ plates- so cute! And I definitley want a crinkle fry cutter and a quiche pan like yours

  2. Like these tools - you have introduced me to some new ones. I have some gadgets, but not many. It took 10 years to take the food processor out of the box. My blender is 14 years old, and no Kitchen Aid for me either!

  3. MY LIFE CHANGED the day I opened my Christmas present: a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. I wanted it but never "needed" it. I can't imagine my life without it nowawdays. It's such a work saver.

    Same with my food processor. It gets used nearly daily! :)

    Did you get your BBQ plates at Pier One? I only ask because I have similar plates, in vegetable shapes, that I use for condiments and such. I found them in a set at a thrift shop. All are from Pier One.

    I have the same dog bone cutter, too. I use it a few times per year.

    A crinkle cutter is on my Want List.

  4. And by the way, the crinkle cutter works great for cutting soaps also. :-)

    Every kitchen needs a doggie bone cookie cutter! I've looked and can't find one. Wouldn't you have thought you'd be able to find one at Petco?? But no. The clerk just looked at me like it was the strangest request. :-)

    I can see that I need a quiche pan. I do have a springform pan, one I bought just for making cheesecake, my favorite!!

  5. I didn't even know that they made a springform 13x9 pan!! Must find and purchase one soon :)

    I 2nd Michelle, my KitchenAid mixer and foodprocessor, both were "sure would be nice to have someday" and now I use them daily!!

    Breadmachines should be abolished, I agree LOL :)

  6. I came over from the this for that linky, and am following you via gfc now, would love a follow back,

  7. I am coming to you from Ten Talents This for that...I don't need a guest blogger, but I am going to post that you are looking to be a guest blogger on my facebook page (1250 followers) I hope this helps you too.

  8. Thanks for the follow- following you back-love your blog!

  9. I am shamed to say that I didn't know what some of those things are. Alaskan Ulu? What is an ulu? Don't tell me. If I don't know by now, it is something that is on a need to know basis and I don't need to know... clearly. Besides, there are days that I can't remember the words for basic objects easily. Things like clipboard, nailfile, napkin, etc.

  10. Hey YM.. these items are All interesting, indeed. I especially like the little plates, too cute.

    Re: your comments on the letter to Obama. Loud and Clear. Thanks for chiming in on that.

    Have a splendid day and keep blogging! Keri

  11. Love the little plates for bar-b-q fixins and the tea glasses...and I have that same garlic saver. Totally agree with you about the bread machine! My dad gave me a kitchen-aid mixer last Christmas, but seriously, most times I just grab the hand held because it seems easier.

  12. I really like the bbq fixing plates, adorable!

  13. i must sayI don't have any of these items. What's wrong with me?

  14. Would love for you to guest blog on my site. I am part of your blogger connection group, and did send you some questions, but if you want to write about something else, let me know!! Whatever works for me.


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