
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

National Peanut Butter Lovers' Day

Today is a holiday that almost anyone can celebrate: National Peanut Butter Lovers' Day! (Those with allergies are excused, of course, but the rest of you are expected to be throwing a party.)

In case there was any doubt left in anyone's mind, I am one of peanut butter's biggest fans. It truly is the most amazing food!

Cookies, muffins, pies, candies ... the treats that we simply couldn't live without are good options for your festivities. No day is complete without a little something sweet, after all!

You can feast upon sandwiches: the classics -- like PB&J or Fluffernutter -- or a fabulous grilled Elvis, warm and gooey and so satisfying with peanut butter and banana oozing out from the bread (I always add a shmear of honey, too). Or then there's a healthier option, featuring peanut butter with apples. Prepare a buffet table, and let folks pick their favorites!

There are even savory international favorites -- like African Peanut Soup or Thai noodles or Asian dipping sauces. You can plan an entire meal, from appetizers to entrees to desserts, with this indispensable ingredient. And feel free to do so today!

National Peanut Butter Lovers' Day is a cause for celebration and adoration. How many other foods are so adaptable??? I adore blue cheese and Dijon mustard, and use them in everything from salads to sandwiches to eggs to pasta; but even *I* draw the line at desserts!

And while foods like chocolate or jam can be used in entrees -- for example, I always add chocolate to beef/pork-based chilis, and jam is lovely in a sauce over chicken -- they have some specific savory uses but not a wide variety of them.

Peanut butter, however, is glorious at any time of day and for any meal!

So enjoy! Celebrate!!! Truly, today is a very special day ... :)


  1. Hmmm, well THIS must have been the reason I ate it our of the jar last night, haha. And Thai noodles with PB dipping sauce might have to be on the menu tonight :)

  2. Today is definitely a good day!! I will celebrate somehow, believe me. I pretty much make peanut butter a part of my daily life :) I wish I could stay home and make peanut butter cookies!!!

  3. I so should have planned ahead for this. But, I did spread peanut butter on my apple muffin this morning!

  4. What an awesome day! Peanut butter is certainly a reason to be celebrated! Thanks!

  5. And to think that I was using this day to celebrate Saint David's Day! I've been a peanut butter lover all my life, although I suppose there may have been a time in infancy that I didn't indulge - not sure. But I'll be sure to have peanut butter today to celebrate! :-)

  6. Who knew! I love it. What goes better with chocolate than peanut butter?!

  7. this all looks so yummy, I am a new GFC follower so I hope to see more delicious post to come. Please follow me back (:

  8. It is truly worth celebrating! I love peanut butter with sweet or savory. Have a beautiful day, Mary! *hugs*

  9. how did i miss that holiday memo!!? my gosh, all of this looks yum tho! thanks for sharing :)

  10. this is too funny. I ADORE peanut butter but am not supposed to have it because it is horrible for kidney stones (it is very high oxalate) was craving peanut butter (BEFORE I read this)...I had a tablespoon for lunch...then...what do I see? THIS!!!
    Love it!

  11. I had NO idea I was missing out on the big event! I made oatmeal cookies today when it should have been peanut butter! It's times like this whe I kick myself and ask: "why didn't I check Mary's site 5 hours ago?"
    Since it is my duty to correct this wrong, I will stay up late tonight and make some peanut butter cookies (the kind with hershey kisses in the middle).
    :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters


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