Kristin, the tremendously talented force behind Kuppy Kakes by Kristin, gave me an award -- I'm so excited!!! She is passing along the "One Lovely Blog Award," and I am honored to accept it. It's always good to have an occasion for buying a new dress, after all.
The rules are simple; here's how Kristin put it --
It's that easy!"
I think that was succinct enough that it goes beyond being the Cliff's Notes version and veers right into being Twitter-worthy! Ah, youth ... :)

Then yesterday, I also received a lovely comment from the fabulous cook who makes my favorite -- Indian food! -- at Simply.Food. She referred me to her site telling me that there was an award waiting for me; and, lo and behold, there was "The Versatile Blogger" award, given "to any blogger that visits" the site, which I love to do. The rules are very similar to those of the previous award:
"... as they say nothing comes free and the deal is that I have to reveal 7 things about myself and pass the award to some other unsuspecting blogger friends."
Kristin, I love reading about your adventures with sugar cookies, with cupcakes and with your children. So I am giddy at having received this award from you -- many, many thanks!!! And Indian food -- parathas, potato curry, sweets ... oh, my! Simply.Food just makes me drool and inspires me to cook, so I am immensely grateful for the recognition from someone whose site I so enjoy!!!
Did it above, but I will happily do it again: Kuppy Kakes by Kristin.

7 Things About Me.
Is there anything I haven't disclosed yet??? Hmmmm .... We're gettin' to either the frivolous and irrelevant, or into the realm of "A lady doesn't kiss and tell." Let's see if there's anything left in between these extremes ... and tidbits that are food-related, too, in keeping with the title-induced obvious theme of this here blog ....
2. I love languages (and not just because they help me to read menus at ethnic restaurants!). I was once fluent in French, but haven't used it in 20 years so it's seeping out of the sieve that is my brain. I studied Latin for 2 years in high school, took a year each of Russian and Italian, and can read Biblical Hebrew though I have virtually no idea what I'm reading. I'd like to study the grammar, vocabulary, etc., but that aforementioned sieve-like brain makes it difficult to retain such things anymore ... sigh.
3. Tom and I found Masala Naan at Trader Joe's on Sunday. Curry-scented bread -- OMG!!! I adore Indian food, as regular readers already know. (Didn't I just say that above???) To have this bread as an accompaniment, or to make a sandwich with it??? OMG!!!
4. I was in good form on Friday morning, after baking Blueberry Streusel Muffins and making Mushroom, Onion and Tomato Quesadillas before work -- the former for breakfast, the latter for lunch. Any day that involves cooking and baking is a good one for me!
5. I can take almost any kind of leftover and turn it into something new. I found some cannoli shell crumbs that I'd saved in the freezer for repurposing, and mixed them with brown sugar and cinnamon for the streusel topping on my aforementioned blueberry muffins. I once took some bits of cucumber, red onion and an insufficient quantity of leftover salmon to serve even one person, cooked up some barley, and made a salad; I used the last spoonful of some yogurt, mixed it with a bit of curry powder, and made a dressing. That was actually a memorable lunch ....
6. I am terrified, petrified and horrified by the thought of flying. However, I dream of traveling to Morocco and drinking gallons of mint tea as I eat couscous, varieties of tagines, fresh vegetables, an abundance of spices, and finish off meals with lots of dates and sweets and pastries. I also need to get lost in the marketplaces surrounded by colors and fragrances. I hope there's a ship that will take me there some day ....
7. I have no favorite flavor of ice cream -- how can anyone settle on only one??? Sometimes I want purity and simplicity; other times I want lots of crunchy, crumbly stuff mixed in. Sometimes -- okay, many times -- I want chocolate; other times, a perfect vanilla or coffee can satisfy. There is no way to have only one flavor at the top of the list!
Beth: A Work in Progress
Ethnically Ambiguous
I Made It Through the Rain
It's Just Me ... Heidi-D
Jenn's Food Journey
Reforming U
The Thoughts and Travels of Rachel Cotterill
Your Daily Dose
I loved this post! Don't know why, but I always enjoy reading snippets about people. (I also hate flying!)
and LOVE using up every last bit of food however I can.
Trader Joe's naan is heavenly!!!
As for your number 5 - I'm totally jealous. If I don't have a recipe, it ain't happenin'.
Congrats on your award! I love reading random things about others - it's the best way to get to know someone!
Congratulations on your awards! I loved this line, cannoli shell crumbs that I'd saved in the freezer for repurposing,
Your posts are always fun. :-)
Congrats on your awards!!!!
Congrats on your award!!
I'm your newest follower from Tuesday Tag-Along!
MASALA NAAN??? Oh my.. must make a trip to Trader Joe's today!!
Thank you SO much for the award! I am deeply honored. And of course, congrats to you on receiving the award...you are very much deserving. I adore your blog!!
Mary, well-deserved awards you received, my friend! And, thank you so much for the love to Reforming U! Stay tuned there... :)
I love using leftovers and creating new masterpieces as well. It almost makes me giddy when it works!
Kudos on the awards. I share the very same philosophy on ice cream...never could put it into words like you did though! I'm following you now...
Thank you Mary. I noticed that you managed to work food into all seven of your About Me things. How do you do that????
Congratulations on your well deserved awards! Mazel Tov!!!
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
Congrats on your awards and thanks for nominating me!
I'll have to ask my boss lady for her Naan recipes she spoils me all too often with her yummy Indian/Guyanese morsels.
Congratulaions on your awards - you are so deserving! And Masala naan - sounds too good to even exist (am an Indian food lover myself but I smell like curry for Days after I eat it!) Have a wonderful day!
xo Erin
Thank you! I'm running so behind right now but I will try to remember to come by and grab it later!
Hope you're doing well!
I thought I commented. Oh well. Congratulations and thank you. You are an awesome woman.
Thank you so much for the award! I posted my thank you today... Please swing in and check it out!
Take care, and thanks again!!!
Thank you for thinking of me! :D I absolutely agree about baking days being good days - and about ice-cream being pretty much ALL good ;)
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