
Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Dishes

It's Memorial Day - a day to remember those who've served our country and sacrificed their lives for it ... for us.

Many people will be marching in parades or planting flags or somehow commemorating the occasion, and they'll get hungry. So here are some recipes for you, or for those who are relishing the day off - and their freedom - at barbecues or picnics.

These dishes, from the sweet to the savory, will do honor to your festivities, whatever they may be.

Red, White, and Blueberry Sangria

Strawberry Shortcake

Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

Berries with Sweetened Sour Cream

Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Bread Pudding

Grilled Chicken with Spiced Blueberry BBQ Sauce

Blueberry Streusel Cake

Pomegranate-Marinated Chicken with Honey-Grilled Pineapple

Bacon Cheese Mix-In Burgers


  1. Of all those delicious-sounding dishes, the chocolate-covered strawberries appeal to me the most this morning as I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee. lol

    Hope you have a great day, Mary!

  2. Thank you so much for these wonderful recipes Mary.

  3. I'm late but thank for sharing these great recipes. Hoping to try some this weekend.


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