To a food-obsessed chickie like moi, though, Shavuot is really about the cheesecake ... and the blintzes ... and the ice cream. Because it's traditional to eat dairy foods at Shavuot, so you get a free pass to eat all the creamy goodies you can stand. This morning I made a sweet kugel [KOO-guhl] that not only made the house smell wonderful to greet the day, but which will then be ready for me to simply re-heat when I get home later tonight after taking our anonymous patient home from the hospital. Kugel is comfort food supreme, and will be much appreciated after a long day.
I debated whether to go for the gusto and make blintzes, which just struck me as too much work after an exhausting several weeks having led up to the weekend's hospitalization. Make crepes, fill crepes, fold crepes, fry crepes ... and do I really want to clean up the mess??? So then I considered my traditional blintz casserole, which is not what everyone else's blintz casserole seems to be. Others take frozen blintzes and place them into a baking dish, then pour a creamy batter over them before baking and slicing. Mine involves pouring some crepe batter into the bottom of a dish, baking it just until set, then topping that with the cheese filling and pouring the rest of the crepe batter over the top; once it bakes, it is cut into squares. But I didn't feel like making that, either ... no reason, just 'cause. Feeling fickle today, I guess, since I usually love anything blintz-like.
But a craving struck, and it struck like a flash of both lightning and brilliance: kugel, a noodle casserole without which a Jewish feast is not complete. I'm not too big a fan of the savory kugels; and the Kugel Yerushalayim -- with caramelized sugar and black pepper, which Israelis adore -- is fairly dry and crunchy and disgusting, in my opinion. But give me ricotta cheese, sour cream, a hint of almond and lemon, and a generous amount of cinnamon .. oh, I am a happy, happy girl!

Sweet Kugel
1 15-ounce container ricotta cheese
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon almond extract
grated zest from 1 large lemon
1 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 12-ounce package whole wheat noodles, cooked according to package directions
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup Nilla wafers, crushed fine
1 cup Barbara's Shredded Spoonfuls cereal, crushed fine
Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine ricotta, sour cream, almond extract, lemon zest, salt, sugar and eggs in a large bowl.
Hag Sameach!!! [HAHG sah-MAY-yahk] = "Happy Holiday!" in Hebrew

YUM!! Um, yeah...totally in the mood for some kugel now!! This sounds absolutely delicious :D
Kugel! One of the world's best comfy casseroles!
Thanks so much, Mary, for sharing your sweet recipe with PPN.
I love kugel! You have a great reason to really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.
Great recipe! I love dairy kugel, if I could only convince my husband of its joys. Glad to know that you finally got out of the hospital - perfect kugel time!
In our house too, Shavuot certainly is all about blintzes and kugels...and don't forget some cheesecake for dessert!
Thanks for sharing your kugel dish with Presto Pasta Nights. You can crash anytime - the door is always open.
ooohh..i think i love this!! I have to make it now!!
Kugel looks great! nice step by step pictures!
looks delicious! i would love to try some...
Yum! Since I woke up this morning thinking that a diet was in order, don't think I'll be making this any time soon... but off to investigate your salads. Thanks for the visit! Tightwad
Hey YM... Have I told you lately how dynomite your blog is? I mean every time I come here I learn SOMETHING... Plusssss You can keep a girl like me (w/sense of humor) highly entertained. This my friend is ultra importante! I hope you have a fabulous Shavout Holiday. From the looks of things, you'll be eating well anyway. Have a great one. Your pal. Keri
This sounds fabulous. I've never had kugel, and your version would be a great place to correct that error in my food education.
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