
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boo! It's Almost Hallowe'en!

Tomorrow is Hallowe'en, a feast and festival of candy. Whatever its pagan origins, it has evolved into merely a sugar rush and a chance to play dress-up. Have some fun with your food, even if - like me - you have no little ones to take Trick or Treating or even many kids in the neighborhood anymore to ring your doorbell. It's still a holiday, and you know we always celebrate holidays - religious, secular, literary, whatever! - here ... :)

Candy Corn Cake

Jack-o'-Lantern Pizza

Hallowe'en Dipped Marshmallows

Sweet 'n' Salty Caramel Corn Mix

Perfect Pumpkin Bread

Butterscotch Pumpkin Pudding

Jack-o'-Lantern Cheeseburgers


  1. Halloween is my favorite holiday!! I know people that are creeped out by it.. which seems so silly to me! lol Love all your Halloween posts!!

  2. Hope you have a great day, Mary. Yes, that first photo definitely looks like a delicious sugar rush! We rarely get a little goblin out here on Hallowe'en.

  3. Ooops. We need to go get our third bag of candy. We have somehow eaten the first two that we bought ;)

  4. Love the idea of the candy corn decorations on the cake. Simple, but a great idea for a Halloween party!


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