1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
Done, happily!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
- I want to go to Morocco, and am insanely jealous of an acquaintance who is traveling there next week.
- I am in the process of sorting out stuff and more stuff from my house, where I've lived for 15 years, so that I can purge things I don't need and donate them to charity. Part of it is exhilarating! Part of it -- like the prospect of sorting through all my kitchen stuff -- is overwhelming and panic-inducing.
- I miss my New York Times crossword puzzle, since I cancelled the Sunday paper due to an astounding lack of time to read it. The paper used to be my entire day's entertainment, and I'd still be in my jammies at 3 p.m. with my puzzle and my pencil, happy as could be. I'm someone (if I may pat my own back for a moment) who could do the puzzle in one afternoon.
- I don't need any new cookbooks, and yet I've bought 2 recently to benefit a thrift shop that supports charity work. They see me coming, I think, and put out the best stuff to lure me into temptation!
- Tom and I ate brown rice spaghetti for dinner tonight, and made a sauce of oil, garlic, onion, lemon juice and zest, sardines in mustard sauce, and spinach to pour over it. If my camera battery hadn't been charging, I'd have taken its photo to write it up ... it was exceptionally good!
- I just want a phone that makes calls, not one that will drive me around on the Autobahn and knit me a sweater at the same time ... sheesh!
- I like to get up early and have time to putter around, rather than sleeping in and rushing in the morning.
3. Pass this on to 5 other great bloggers you recently discovered.
- Bouffe e Bambini
- Fresh Local and Best
- The Haggis and the Herring
- Pumpkin Tart
- Meatless Meals for Meat Eaters
4. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards.
Will do!
I love learning new things about you! I too only want a phone that makes calls...ok, and sends texts too, but other then that...enough! Oh, and I am an early riser too! The early morning is the best part of the day!
I want to go to Morocco too! Sounds like a fascinating place, doesn't it. I liked my old phone that was simple. I had all my contacts in there and life was good. Then I got my new phone that even takes pictures. I finally did figure that out and it's kinda fun, but I've always liked things that were less complicated and more dependable. I'm with you and Jenn about early morning. At 4 PM the curtain is slowly drawn on my day. Could have something to do with declining daylight!
Oh. And congratulations on your awards! :-)
Hi Mary!!! Thank you so much for the awards!!! I am truly honored!! It's really nice of you to think of me!!! Hope to see you around the blogosphere soon:)
hanna from bouffe e bambini
Thank you so much for the award!
I actually think that a phone that could knit a sweater would be pretty awesome! I'd save so much money on clothes! ;)
I'm also a big NY Times crossword fan. I like to listen to Will Shortz' Sunday Puzzle segment on NPR's Weekend Edition, as well.
Thanks again!
Thanks for passing the award to me! I wish I could get into doing crossword puzzles, they still remain a big challenge for me, but I do love listening to Will Shortz' Sunday segment on NPR.
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