I hope you've had a lot of things to make you smile this week. I have! So write up a list of things that have made you smile - whether it was out of joy, happiness, gratitude or humorous delight and link up!
Although I sometimes find them difficult to do, I am a big fan of gratitude lists ... and, of course, this is essentially that very thing. So, let me see what's made me smile since last weekend:
1. Finding my favorite peanut butter, Koeze's, on sale for $3.99 -- half the price that other stores sell it for!
2. Winning the gift card giveaway drawing that Karen of I Made It Through the Rain held, and enjoying a really fun meal at Applebee's tonight with Jeremy and Tom.
3. Bringing slices of Peanut Butter Pie to my co-workers Beth and Michele, and hearing that it was "really good pie."
4. Hearing at first that the brakes on my Suburban might cost $1500 to fix, because they required a new ABS, only to then have the head mechanic assess the situation and put in a new switch ... costing $201.11.
5. Luxuriating in my jammies last Sunday as Tom devoted himself to his artwork and I got a week's worth of blog posts ready, since I wouldn't have time each day this week to work on them.
6. Finding out that the fabulous Joan Nathan is coming to Ann Arbor's Jewish Book Festival in November to promote her new cookbook (being released this Fall) -- Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous: My Search for Jewish Cooking in France!!!
7. Visiting with family and friends at a barbecue on Friday night, featuring perfect weather, burgers, pickles, cake and rugelach (chocolate-filled spiral cookies).
8. Having our regular Thursday lunch delivery screwed up, only to have an offering of apology brought when the items that had originally been left behind were brought. And what was this lovely gift? Flaky, creamy, rich, divine cannolis.
9. Baking chocolate chip cookies tonight for "my boys" -- Tom and Jeremy.
10. My dog, Fuzzybutt, who looks like a cross between a pot-bellied pig, a teddy bear and an Ewok from "Return of the Jedi." The pooch does a happy dance every time I walk in the door, it waddles, it has an OCD and likes to lick the rug and the furniture, and it just smiles at me and makes me laugh.

2. Winning the gift card giveaway drawing that Karen of I Made It Through the Rain held, and enjoying a really fun meal at Applebee's tonight with Jeremy and Tom.
3. Bringing slices of Peanut Butter Pie to my co-workers Beth and Michele, and hearing that it was "really good pie."
4. Hearing at first that the brakes on my Suburban might cost $1500 to fix, because they required a new ABS, only to then have the head mechanic assess the situation and put in a new switch ... costing $201.11.
5. Luxuriating in my jammies last Sunday as Tom devoted himself to his artwork and I got a week's worth of blog posts ready, since I wouldn't have time each day this week to work on them.
6. Finding out that the fabulous Joan Nathan is coming to Ann Arbor's Jewish Book Festival in November to promote her new cookbook (being released this Fall) -- Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous: My Search for Jewish Cooking in France!!!

8. Having our regular Thursday lunch delivery screwed up, only to have an offering of apology brought when the items that had originally been left behind were brought. And what was this lovely gift? Flaky, creamy, rich, divine cannolis.
9. Baking chocolate chip cookies tonight for "my boys" -- Tom and Jeremy.
10. My dog, Fuzzybutt, who looks like a cross between a pot-bellied pig, a teddy bear and an Ewok from "Return of the Jedi." The pooch does a happy dance every time I walk in the door, it waddles, it has an OCD and likes to lick the rug and the furniture, and it just smiles at me and makes me laugh.

So, what's made YOU happy this week??? Write a post and link up at Diary of a Chocoholic!
Thanks for participating! You've got a great list going.
What a great list. I am glad you enjoyed your dinner.
I love your blog! I knew I would when I read the title, and you haven't disappointed :) I am following from Follow Friday, but haven't had time to leave you a comment until now! I will def be back, I have you bookmarked now :)
You have had some blessings this week. One good thing about selling my car: no more car maintenance. I used to hate taking it in b/c of things like what you said (fees of $1500). What a relief to only pay $200+. I wonder if they do that so you are thrilled to pay the $200+... Is it a conspiracy???? LOL.
I was wondering where you were going with that brake job... Thanks for the heads up for the "Smiling On Saturday" linky - what a great idea.
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