Well, 'twould seem that no one wants the book any more. No matter which thrift shop I go into -- PTO Thrift Shop, Ann Arbor Thrift Shop, Value World, St. Vincent de Paul Store, The Re-Use Center -- I inevitably find a copy. The sampling offered below represents just the past few weeks' worth of trolling:
No profound observations to offer here -- it's just become a game for me to find a copy of the book at each secondhand store, so I thought I'd share my warped sense of amusement ... ;)
That is funny . . . and I do believe I was one of those lemmings who bought the cookbook. (I think I have it in some box in my basement, if you are interested!)
LOL I actually bought that book when it first came out! I have no idea what happened to it...
LOL So fun to hear you articulate my long-held sentiments about the Oprah gang. I've also found the thrift stores to be inundated with the craze of 6 months ago, whichever one it happened to be.
kind of like "where's Waldo?"
Have you been tempted to pick it up and leaf through it to work out why everyone's giving it away...? It is funny!
I still have the Rosie cookbook that my mom got me years ago. :)
I should clarify that my disdain is for Oprah, rather than for Rosie or those who once bought the book. Someone had given it to me, as well, and it's not bad at all! My issue is with Oprah pontificating about how anyone could lose weight if SHE could, when she has a personal chef, a personal trainer, the clout to set her own schedule to allow for exercise, etc. And EVERYONE did what she told them to do and bought the book, but almost no one now wants it. So, I look for the poor little forlorn copies and document their continued existence; it kinda reminds me of the Island of Misfit Toys!
Mary, I love your "warped sense of amusement"! But I have to hold my comments about anything else because, well, without adequate time to explain, it could be misinterpreted. I'll just say, I avoid anything that smacks of "trendy" or "jumping on the bandwagon."
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