Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah ... NaBloPoMo

Anyone who knows me, or who has read virtually anything I've written (email, blog post, chat, grocery list, "notes to self," whatever), knows that I am ... shall we politely say? ... a tad verbose.

I've been teased about the length of my Facebook comments, which inevitably require people to "Read More." I once lost half -- HALF! -- of a missive when I was still exchanging very long and informative/confessional emails with the most recent ex before we actually met, because it had exceeded the unstated text limit. (And the portion that went through was pretty substantial, too!) And God help me when I resort to Tweeting, since I can't bring myself to type "thx" or "4" or "r" or "u" and pretend that they're real words.

I do words, and I do them well. I'm old enough to have some sense of both my strengths and my weaknesses, and writing does happen to be a strength ... thank goodness, since I have SO MANY weaknesses it needs to compensate for! I delude myself that my sentences are complex, fluid, rhythmic, amusing ... don't all writers/bloggers have a certain amount of conceit in our abilities, or else we wouldn't be spewing forth as we do??? But really, in short (ha!), I'm long-winded.

And so it only makes sense that someone like moi should take on a challenge of not only writing, but writing every day -- if you're going to blather anyway, you might as well make a game of it. And thus, my resolution for June: National Blog Posting Month. 30 posts, one for each day of the month, no leeway for illness or crises or naps -- man, whoever is runnin' this show must be a dominatrix!!!

So, if you haven't gotten tired of me yet perhaps there's still a chance! I make no promises of brevity, but I'll at least do my very best -- cross my heart -- not to bore you this month ....

P.S.: I'm adding this to the Tuesday Tag-Along hosted by Twee Poppets, and also to Follow Me Back Tuesday hosted by a quartet of feisty babes, where I politely introduce myself to other bloggers by dropping in on their sites and then they'll come and visit me, as well (I hope ... ?). If you're gonna spend 30 days typing up fascinating diatribes, after all, it's nice to have an ever-expanding audience of friends and followers to support you ... :)


Diane Schmidt said...

Happy Tuesday Tag-Along.
You ARE very creative with words, I just loved you comment :) I can't wait to scroll through and take a better look around your blog!

Holly Lefevre said...

I am hopping over from TTA. I love the writing and tone of this post...I am sold. and I am a new follower.
504 Main

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in to say hi! What an adorable blog!

Unknown said...

I found you through TTA, Tuesday Tag along...and I am a new follower. Have a great day, Zoe (soon to be Haute Mama)

Anonymous said...

Following you on GFC as Thrifty Canucks from Tag along tuesday. Please check out my blog and follow back if you can

Michelle said...

Thanks to your post, I'm going to hop on over to nablopomo and participate. I need a little nudge to blog daily. Saturdays seem to get sluggish for me. :)

Rachel said...

Stopping by from Tag Along Tuesday!!
I'm a new follower! I hope you have a great day!


♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

Thank you so much for following. I am your new Follow Me Back Tuesday follower.
Have a great day.

Social Media Junkie said...

Hey There,
Thanks for joining us for FMBT. I am now following you back. have a great week !!
Staycee ( Survey Junkie )

Unknown said...

Blogging every day. Very ambitious! Good luck!

Robin said...

Got your comment on my blog. I know what you mean about wordiness. I have difficulty being concise, too. Good luck with it.... Anyway, looking forward to reading more;-)

anne maskell said...

at last! someone that carries on like I do! I could go on for hours about nothing! I'm your newest follower, and I hope you follow me too! Happy blogging!

Julia said...

Following from TTA. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow when you get a chance :)


Anonymous said...

I'm your newest follower from FMBT. Please visit my blog and follow back.

Have a fantastic week,

Carol said...

I'm following you from the Tue Tag Along!
Thanks following me!

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

You've got a really great blog here!

Happy Follow Me Tuesday! I'm your newest follower! If you get a chance, will you please stop by and follow me too at http://www.mommylivingthelifeofriley.com

Have a great day!

A 2 Z said...

Following you back. I think you will do well in the blogging community. There are not too many good writers out there. Check Rachel Cotteril's blog. She is a great writer, PhD student but still very humble. Bonne chance.


Tanja said...

I'm following you back from Tanja's Cupcakes.
Have a great day!

sam said...

Long winded? YOU? Don't be crazy! Okay maybe... but worth the read every time. Keri

Dania said...

OMG! You are verbose, but a total hoot! I'm the very same way (as most Cubans are by nature). Thanks for stopping by on TTA. I'm following if just to read musing from someone as wordy as me :-)


Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas said...

Hi Barb..from santasgiftshoppe following you back..Thanks for the follow & have a great week!!

Rhonda said...

Hi there.....I'm now following your blog......
I love the wordiness of your posts...you don't leave anything to the imagination and I don't have to guess at the topic.
Great job!!!!

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