Since today happens to be World Environment Day, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly, it seemed the perfect occasion to join in this project. (Go to Mach's Grun for all the information.) I drive a Suburban, I cook a lot, I do laundry and wash dishes ... there are many aspects of my normal daily life which cannot be helped, but which are harmful to the environment. Even just sitting here and typing -- trying to stay out of trouble while resting on my tuckus -- is a detriment. But that can be remedied:
"... the atmosphere can be relieved by an average of 5kg (11lb.) carbon dioxide every year by planting one tree. An average blog causes 3.6kg (8lb.) of carbon dioxide emissions. Consequently, a tree neutralises the carbon dioxide emissions of a blog. Since a tree lives for an average of 50 years, carbon dioxide emissions of your blog can be completely neutralised for this time period."
Or, since the proverbial picture paints 1000 words:
The planting is done in conjunction with the Arbor Day Foundation here in the United States, which is helping to reforest Plumas National Forest in Northern California. It's so easy! It's such a great idea! So, let's do it!!!
I can't afford a new car, and my Suburban -- which can not only carry Jeremy's band equipment for gigs and rehearsals ('cause that stuff won't fit in his Beetle without being put through a trash compactor!), but which can also hold an entire Christmas tree in its cargo area -- is paid off. My condo won't allow me to hang clothes to dry on a line in the backyard (God forbid I'd consider the front lawn!). My dishwasher broke a year ago, so I have to wash dishes by hand ... not sure if that's good or bad -- less electricity vs. lots of running water -- but it is what it is.
It would take 3 buses to cover the 6 miles from my home to work; and even if I owned (or could ride) a bike, I'd be a mighty sweaty mess by the time I got there with no way to get cleaned up once I arrived. I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just realizing I have little control over my impact upon the environment in some areas of my life. Believe me, there's guilt -- that's inescapable if you're raised Catholic with the sacrament of Confession, and then evolve into a Secular Jew!
But I can grow an organic garden. And I can walk to neighborhood stores rather than driving within a small radius. And I can have a tree planted in honor of Food Floozie, and encourage my fellow bloggers and friends to do their part, as well. This is how easy it is:
- Write a blog post about the initiative
- E-mail the link to your post to CO2-neutral@kaufda.de
- We plant a tree for your blog in Plumas!

What an excellent idea. I'll have to check this out. I'm always in trouble with my 6 year old because I don't recycle my Dr. Pepper bottles, lol.
This sounds so cool! Thanks for posting about it (and getting a tree planted in the process!).
What a fantastic idea!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Visiting from the 40 Follow!
I can't say as I've ever thought about emissions from computer use! This is a topic more people should hear about.
Very neat! I am not super-environmental, but any of these little things you can do are awesome :) I am on my way to check out what I can do!
Thank you for your kind comments! I love that I got a Mazel Tov! I am finally following you back (have had quite a few requests to respond to!).
xo Erin
Stopped by from LBS today, I LIKED you on FB so I can follow. I like your blog.
Have a great Saturday.
Followed over from LBS today.
I like your blog.
Happy Saturday!
This is such a great idea! I will have to plan a new post :) I'm visiting from the Lady Blogger's Tea Party! Have a great weekend!!
Just hopping on by! following you now :)
This is so great! I got a lot that guilt goin' on over in my land too But I can do this. I can plant a tree!! Thanks for sharing this! I'll be writing a post soon... I have two blogs so I will be planting two trees!
Stopping by from the LBS Tea Party :)
Good for you--every little bit helps!
Excellent post! Bravo! I'm going to tweet & link my followers!
Following from Friday Follow Me. Stop by when you can; I have some great giveaways going on right now!
Hi! I'm Charla from Friendly Friday and just wanted to say thanks for joining in the fun. We appreciate you putting our button in your sidebar. By the way, I'm now following you on GFC and also on Twitter! :)
I hear ya. I can do some of those things - and do - but biking/walking to work is not possible for this suburbanite!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :-) I actually did this for my fashion blog, but I have to get around to doing it for my personal one. Thanks for the reminder.
Got this email from the program -- yay!!!
Hi Mary,
thank you so much for participating in our initiative and making your blog carbon neutral! Your tree will be planted this month by the Arbor Day Foundation. The scheduled start plant date was Monday, April 19 and the trees will be planted by a contracted crew. The roads are being plowed, all contracts solidified, and twelve shipments of 150,000 seedling each are being assembled. We thank you for the support!
There are still some trees looking for a sponsor. So if you know some people who have a blog or website, pass it on and we'll make their blogs carbon neutral too!
"Make it green"-team
This was emailed to me just now -- yay!!!
Hi Mary,
thank you so much for participating in our initiative and making your blog carbon neutral! Your tree will be planted this month by the Arbor Day Foundation. The scheduled start plant date was Monday, April 19 and the trees will be planted by a contracted crew. The roads are being plowed, all contracts solidified, and twelve shipments of 150,000 seedling each are being assembled. We thank you for the support!
There are still some trees looking for a sponsor. So if you know some people who have a blog or website, pass it on and we'll make their blogs carbon neutral too!
"Make it green"-team
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