I know I promise a food-related blog -- the title kinda says it all! But I also think it's important to learn a bit about the chickie behind all the froofy pink-ness and calorie intake. And if I'm going to be making new friends today on a variety of blog hops and link-ups -- schmooze that I am! -- then this is the time to introduce myself a bit.
And so, I'm delving into new territory today with the Five Question Friday. None of the questions is food-related, per se; but let's see how I can tweak my answers to that end, eh???
1. What do you think makes a good friend, or friendship?
A good friend will be there for you no matter what, whether your house is being raided or your child is given a fatal diagnosis or you need help cleaning your basement after a flood. She will also be there to celebrate your joys even if she doesn't have any of her own at the moment. She will be there no matter what. "For richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; for better or for worse; 'til death do us part" ... these are not just marriage vows, but they are truly what I consider to be the heart and soul of friendship. It's not just about going out to lunch after a morning of shopping for shoes!
A good friend will be there for you no matter what, whether your house is being raided or your child is given a fatal diagnosis or you need help cleaning your basement after a flood. She will also be there to celebrate your joys even if she doesn't have any of her own at the moment. She will be there no matter what. "For richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; for better or for worse; 'til death do us part" ... these are not just marriage vows, but they are truly what I consider to be the heart and soul of friendship. It's not just about going out to lunch after a morning of shopping for shoes!
2. What is the last thing you bought & later regretted?
Hmmm .... Not being much of a shopper, unless I'm doing The Thrift Shop Tour, I don't know that I've regretted many purchases. When you don't spend more than a coupla bucks per item, it's hard to wish you hadn't spent the money! I know -- I regret buying the green olive tapenade at Trader Joe's -- it's not very good. It doesn't taste like olives, which I adore; it's kinda sour and ... well ... icky. I could make a far better product myself.
3. Have you ever had a prank played on you?
Yes, indeedy! Jeremy loves snakes; I find them repulsive ... their purpose in life is to become pretty shoes. (Don't know if they taste like chicken or not, 'cause you won't ever find me eating one to find out!) But his dad gave in, 'cause he likes the icky reptiles too. Jeremy insisted the snake couldn't get out of its tank, but he used to place a rubber one around the house to scare me into thinking it had snuck out. And then one day I looked in the tub and saw a snake. "Ha, ha, Jeremy! Very funny!" Until I realized that the snake was black ... and the rubber one I always saw around the house was green. And then with horror I realized it wasn't a prank -- the &^%%@&@*#&#^@*&# thing HAD gotten out! (Yes, this story is more about escape than a prank, but you have to know that the pranks were being played in order to fully appreciate the tale.)
4. What is your favorite theme park?
4. What is your favorite theme park?
I'm not theme park material. As far as I'm concerned, Disney World is a circle of the Inferno. There's a water park at Cedar Point that I rather like, though ... or, more specifically, I like the floating thingie: get on an inner tube, float along a pseudo-river. It'd be better if they didn't have the occasional sprinkle strategically placed to cool you off as you loiter in the sun; if I want to get cool, I'll slide off my inner tube and into the water! The configuration they have is only startling, not refreshing. I managed to break my toe there, the first time we went; I was stubborn and insisted I didn't need anyone's help to get into the tube. I jumped into it, my feet kicked out, my toe hit the tile wall, and there you have it!
5. Have you ever seen someone else give birth?
Yup. The summer before my senior year in high school, I did an internship at a hospital (not that kind of internship, Silly! -- it was designed for people who were considering pre-med in college). And during the OB-GYN rotation, I got to watch a baby be welcomed into the world. Smiling even as I think about it ... :) Of course, then I feel ancient when I realize that child is now 30 years old! Where's the ice cream, when I need some solace???
Yup. The summer before my senior year in high school, I did an internship at a hospital (not that kind of internship, Silly! -- it was designed for people who were considering pre-med in college). And during the OB-GYN rotation, I got to watch a baby be welcomed into the world. Smiling even as I think about it ... :) Of course, then I feel ancient when I realize that child is now 30 years old! Where's the ice cream, when I need some solace???

It is so great to read fun info like this! Good to get to know you better! '
I can't wait to come back and read all about your food!
Following you now from Friday Follow. Hope to hear back from you. I'll be back here soon for sure!
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?
Visiting from the Over 40 Blog Hop! I enjoyed reading your little "get to know me" post!
Green olive tapenade? That would make me keep on walking past the shelf!
Have a great weekend!
Hi! I'm visiting from Blog Hop Friday. I signed up to be a new follower.
Hi there.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
Love finding new blogs with variety! Stopping by from Follow Friday Over 40 and I'm so glad I found you! I'm your newest follower!
Hi! I found your through Fun Follow Friday. Hope you have a great weekend!
Good Friday, following from Follow Friday 40 and over. thanks for sharing info. about yourself. have a good weekend.rose
Hi! Like your blog!!
Following from Friday Follow!!
Following you from Friday Follow! Love food blogs!!! Check out my Fabulous Food Friday posts and let me know if you'd be interested in being featured. Have a great weekend!
Alredy a follower- but would love for you to stop by my blog and check it out! :)
Have a great weekend!
Stopping by from FFF and I just started following you. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Great blog!
Newest follower from Fun Follow Friday here! I'd love for you to return the favor!
Mommy Wants Freebies!
Hi there, Oh...for the days when peanut products were a part of my life...and diet. But babies with peanut allergies prohibit my enjoyment of peanut butter...sigh...But on the bright side I'm a new follower just stopping by on Blog Hop Friday and I would love for you to PLEASE enter my 1st Vera Bradley Giveaway that I have going on right now!
And follow me back on my blogs?
J Claire
Okay girl, it's up over on my blog too :)
You are such a hoot! We would totally be friends in real life! :)
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