I am enormously flattered to have been the recipient -- and on the same day, too! -- of two new awards ... wow. And they're from people whom I really like and respect, too, which makes it that much more wonderful!
Without further ado, as there is a lot to cover here in my acceptance speech ....
Elana at The Twinners has given me the "Hard-Working Mommy Blogger" Award. I do work hard, whether at my job or at home or at trying to keep all of my friends here entertained! And just 'cause your kid gets taller (6'3") and older (19) and more independent (wants a tattoo!), that doesn't mean you still aren't "Mom." So I am grateful for the pat on my back ... thank you so much, Elana! You clearly invest a tremendous amount of yourself in your blog and in your family; I do so enjoy all the infanticipation, too ... :)
Here are the terms that have been set for accepting this award:
1. Accept the award (by leaving a comment on the original award post).
1. Accept the award (by leaving a comment on the original award post).
I did that, giddily and excitedly -- it was such a surprise!
2. Post about the award on your blog (include the image of the award) together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and her blog link.
3. List 7 other Mommy Bloggers that you want to pass the award along to (no backsies). Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
As always, this is THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF THE PROCESS!!! There are too many blogs out there that I read, benefit from, enjoy, learn from ... decisions, decisions! But here is the list I have agonizingly arrived at, with hopes that you will check them out and follow them and welcome them into your life as I have done in mine:
I must also thank Rachel at Diary of a Chocoholic for giving me the "Beautiful Blogger" Award. She gave me such a lovely compliment in bestowing this upon me:
"This is a wonderful blog. She writes beautifully about food and life in general. I love the recipes she posts. She also has a gorgeous layout and a very creative title."
I could say all the very same things about her, my fellow chocoholic! I do so enjoy following along on her adventures in South Korea while she plans her wedding. And I was thrilled to learn that her wedding date is on the 18th of the chosen month, which invests it with an abundance of life and all good things according to Jewish tradition. Mazal Tov!!! May you be blessed with all happiness ... :)
Recieving this award comes with two stipulations:
1. Pass the award on to 7 people.
2. Give 7 facts about myself.
So, first things first after yet another round of decision-making and hopes that you find wonderful new friends among the exceptionally worthy candidates on this list:
1. Fake It Til You Make It
2. Beat Until Fluffy
3. Bringing Pretty Back
4. Jenn's Food Journey
5. Recipes from 4EveryKitchen
6. Songberries
7. Mini Eats
And now, for the tattling on myself:
1. I wear odd colors of nail polish -- purple, gold, green, alternating colors on successive finger- and toenails. Yeah, I'm too old for this! But why should getting old preclude one from having a sense of whimsy ...?

3. I love to shell peas and to pit cherries. Sure, you can buy them in jars or in bags or in cans at the grocery store. But why not have fresh ones, bought at a farmers' market and harvested that morning? It's very meditative, very relaxing. I look forward to it every summer.
4. I have a huge sweet tooth -- frankly, I've got 28 sweet teeth (lost my 4 wisdom teeth nearly 30 years ago) -- so I hate to play favorites. But lately I've developed a thing for Milk Duds, since our local grocery store has been selling boxes of them for $1. I shouldn't, and yet I hear them call to me ....
5. I used to be the "professional volunteer" mom at school -- lunch duty, chaperoning field trips, running school auctions, etc. Now I have to work in order to eat. Even though Jeremy has grown up and is done with school, I still miss that old life of service as well as the freedom to control my days even if they were busy. I may never be able to afford to retire; but if I do, I will go back to giving my time to causes and projects that I love.

7. Although Jeremy has enormous musical talent -- plays guitar, bass guitar, drums, sings, picks out tunes by ear, everything! -- I cannot sing, I cannot carry a tune, I cannot play any instruments, I cannot read music, nothin'. My paternal grandmother performed with a musical theatre group in Dublin before coming to the United States. Her talent skipped 2 generations and landed entirely in Jeremy's lap.
Again -- MANY, MANY thanks to both Elana and Rachel for their generosity and for thinking that my little pink platform for pontificating warrants the attention! Truly, I'm blushing ....
Congrats on your awards...woo hoo!!
And thank you so much for passing the award to me!! I love getting them :)
My favorite Disney movie is probably Cinderella, but I also love Little Mermaid.
I wear funky nail polish too, but only one color at a time ;)
Congratulations on well-deserved awards. :) Thank you for passing one of them on to me. I'm humbled. My funky nail polish is applied to my toes by my doting daughters, who choose such combinations as tie dye and polka dot and textured. ;)
Congratulations. That is really awesome.
Congratulations on the award...and for passing it on! I have so enjoyed your blog, you are deserving of all the awards you receive!!
By the way...I'm VERY honored that you recognized me. I don't know why I didn't say that before! :) Sometimes I can't handle the spotlight! hehe
cong. on your awards. i love belle in beauty and the beast.
You always come up with interesting things for your "things about yourself." I am impressed!
Congrats on your awards, you must be so pleased! I'm currently nominated for a blog award (link on my blog if you want to vote) it's so lovely knowing that people appreciate what you write
WOW! Well, I'm not sure how you're going to get any blogging done replying to all of your awards...lol :)
I stopped by to give you one as well. I adore your blog!
Please view it here when you have time:
Love your blog so far and thanks for recommending so many other great sites~
big congrats on both of your awards. they are very well deserved.
I'm so glad you're getting more awards. You're one of a select few blogs that I know for a fact deserves each and every one you receive :-) Mazel Tov!!!
I finally got around to writing my post for the award you sent my way. Thank you for giving me MY first award. Isn't it cute how we gave each other our first awards? (Pardon the use of the word cute. I know we're not in 3rd grade, but it is rather sweet in a cosmic sort of way).
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